  • Learn the real story of our Paleolithic ancestors, a story about intelligent and innovative people, a story unlike that which is promoted by mainstream science

  • Explore and regain confidence in your own ability to think for yourself as a broader range of evidence becomes available to you

  • Join a community not afraid to challenge the status quo. Question with confidence any paradigm promoted as "scientific" that depends upon withholding conflicting evidence from the public in order to appear unchallenged.
3 Musketeers, 2001[fromV_6-1-11].jpg      tn_VSM_Intro1.jpg

From our Readers

PCN is the most amazing and most important publishing and I greatly look forward to every issue. Keep up the wonderful work!!!”

“You are following the world class parameter.”

“Masterly work as always. The whole edition is great!!”

“I am confident that the Pleistocene Coalition has such a vast wealth of information that anyone who tries to argue against it only demonstrates an obstinate disdain for the truth …Whatever you do, DON’T stop doing it!”

“You have established a ‘corridor’ between University Archaeology and ‘Ancient Aliens,’ neither of which is correct. By its nature, University Archaeologists must adhere to their circa early 1900’s origin and cling to the funding pole around which it is tethered. They do not have the resources, facilities, knowledge, or desire to risk their university positions on new discoveries, with a few exceptions. ... In the meantime, you and your staff are to be congratulated for adding real scientific data to real world knowledge.”

“The last issue of PCN is again a masterpiece in layout and content—congratulations for you and your coworkers!”

“Fantastic issue!”

"THANK YOU for PC. …This knowledge should belong to us all, and not be held down and perverted under the brooding pinions of anti-scientists and anti-thinkers. …I found PC through reading about Virginia Steen-Macintyre. …I can’t believe that your publications go back to 2009 and I’m only just hearing about this now!”

“Great job belling the cat. …Thematically, a seamless monolithic issue.”

“You folks are draining the swamp. The aim of the Pleistocene Coalition is in action.”

“Your statement is superb. I’ve forwarded it to skeptical friends influenced by the views of the anthro establishment. Keep up the good work. It is much appreciated.”

“This is exactly the sort of thing that starts an academic revolution and attacks the suppression of knowledge. High marks to PC!”

“The last PCN issue arrived well, thank you very much! We again understand what it means to get all the information together and put it into such an interesting publication.”

“Congratulations for another excellent PCN issue. …With all the best wishes to you and your wonderful team.”

"All of you are complimented and respected for your research, integrity, and courage.”

“As always, the PCN Newsletter is of the only top-notch sources of archaeological sanity out there.”

“Thank you John and other editors; Looks like another fascinating read! In appreciation …down under.”

“Very impressive newsletter.”

“I must commend you and the other editors for one of the finest Journals that tells it like it is found in nature.”

“Thank you very much for your very impressive Pleistocene Coalition News.”

“I do not know where you all get the energy and the drive from, but good on you.”

“Dear John and all, I...appreciate all that you do. I thank you for it greatly…I greatly appreciate your efforts from my own journal’s viewpoint.”

“I will…indeed let my colleagues in the different centers I have been working in know about the work you are doing.”

“All issue looks great, as always!”

“Thanks, John, and thanks for keeping this going for all these years! I've saved all of them.”

“Dear John, Virginia, Tom, and Rick...if you feel anything work related to academics, you are always welcome.”

Your website is a huge…treasure we are overjoyed to be privileged to have access to.”

“Your site continues to always impress me.”

“Its pretty incredible what you have all put together.”

“All articles are fascinating. The Nebra Disc, Paiute petroglyph and the aboriginal rendering of the Pleiades knocks the socks off me! This entire issue is also very provocative and makes the point of the Coalition quite well throughout all the articles. Anthropology is useless unless it is based on truth.”

“I admire the tenacity and fearlessness of the authors in this issue and their determination to keep deconstructing the traditional dogma.”

“Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could open a school dedicated to teaching the enormously important work you folks are doing? If the subjects are important to our species they should be taught to our youth to give them some sense of history and our place in it… or at the very least made accessible to them. …Since the standard timeline has been choreographed ad nauseam, and the non-standard covered up systematically by the Smithsonian, I wonder if there’s another way we could do it and make it easier for you as well as more widely accepted. …The MOST important aspect of what you’re doing is that you are truth seekers and your methodologies are priceless. ...a school worth attending.”

“Perhaps with an open, public forum such as PC, honest and innovative academics will now have a light to guide their way. Please do...keep me on your mailing list.”

“I have intuition this has potential to cause a stir in the greater world.”

“Congratulations for the fantastic achievement! I am impressed by your energy and results.”

“An awesome issue.”

“I have read every page with interest. … It is something that will start to erode the stubborn entrenchment of the archeological establishment.”

“Do any of your contributors have videos of their work? ... Would they/do they have coursework set up for students? I believe that Public Education is killing itself and will be replaced by free market solutions. … Would there be any interest in creating courses in what your contributors are finding?”

“Congratulations on 50 issues of PCN. What an Achievement! Since it now appears that mainstream academics are going to have no choice but to accept what you’ve been saying all along (as more finds push back the record), it’s great to know there is already documentation that you all knew this was the case long ago. I just hope at some point it comes out that they refused to give your ideas serious consideration and stood in their way. …History has a way of sorting it all out in the end, although vindication sometimes comes too late to be enjoyed by the vindicated. I can only imagine how much work it has taken to produce 50 wonderfully informative issues. I for one, have learned a lot more about prehistory. …THANK YOU! I will continue to spread the word about PCN at every opportunity.”

“Dear John and Team, thank you very much for this wonderful volume.”

“I would quote from Margaret Mead: ‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.’ [And] from Steve Jobs: ‘The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that do.’”
–Medical field

“As usual, EXCELLENT.”

“Please accept my congratulations for your faith and fight.”
–Art professor

PCN of the best anthro newsletters out there, definitely the most lively and exciting, not only content but its format, and with an exploding niche given all the incredible things being found. ...This one is more like a celebration of data.”

“Compliments to all of you for your efforts and integrity. Per the motto at one of my Alma Maters, Fight on!”

“GREAT issue. Thank you.”

“What a page-turner Issue 47 is! Superb job!”

“I use this opportunity to congratulate you again for the great work you are doing. My cousin from fascinated by your courageous work and uses PC to teach his children the hidden [pre]history of the world.”

“John; Your ‘scattered thoughts’ are SPOT-ON! I see the ripples are getting bigger! I thank you and the team (and contributors) for making the ‘dogma’ lay down! I sincerely appreciate each PCN’s arrival. –Down under.”

“Over many years I have followed the work of some of your members hoping to see it enlighten the paleoarchaeological establishment as the old passed... Because our quarry and efforts have always been private I have lived in between the various Politically Correct groups of the times and so identify with your members challenges and appreciate the wisdom you all put forth.”

“It just goes to show you that holding the Establishment’s feet to the fire sometimes pays off.”

“Had my first read of Issue 45 this evening. My compliments to you all!”

“I was so happy to see the new issue and the piece on Valsequillo!”
–Professional author

“You folks at the Pleistocene Coalition are great. Keep up the good work.”

“Congratulations for your continuous effort to reveal the truth! Thank you!”

“Thank you for the wonderful and important work you are doing. I am a keen reader and very much looking forward to the next issue.–Kind regards from Germany.”

“I read and re-read the #42 issue; it is absolutely fantastic!!”

“I want to thank you very much for the wonderful gift: the #40 PCN.”

“Awaiting your latest. Keep up your extraordinary work.”

“I wish you all the best for 2016 … you and your marvelous team.”

“I have all the praise and respect for you and the team. They leave no stone unturned to bring about and maintain credibility of PCN, individually and of an excellent team spirit.”

“John, Virginia, Tom, and David, Thank you, as always, for your hard work, it is much appreciated!”

“A colleague [who reads PCN says] it’s like a bag of peanuts, he starts with intention to read one article, then the next, and the next, cannot stop until he reads everything.”

“Many thanks for sending me the latest edition of PCN, which I am already enjoying reading. Your publication has been of immense help to me in conducting my own research.”

“I can’ t believe you’ve published 38 issues—truly amazing! At a glance, the new issue looks really interesting (as usual), can’t wait to read it.”

“When doing significant work you are NEVER behind.”

“Thank you for all the hard work bringing PC News to us! ... I really enjoy and appreciate reading PCN; and I typically read the articles several times so as to fully understand what the author is saying.”

“Wow! …Your site is amazing! It has really helped me sleep. I’ve been going a little crazy thinking I was seeing things.”

“All the articles are superb! … I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. ...The Pleistocene Coalition represents a constructive means for getting to the new paradigm by its exposition of evidence the public would never see otherwise… and its open-ended point of view.”

“[We] wanted to thank you and the eds. … They seem to be getting better all the time. I had no idea about the Cincinnatian Ordovician Formation being such a singularly important place of study.… breakthrough publication!”

“I am happy and extremely grateful to you and your entire team for your efforts and dedication. The articles I have had the opportunity of reading are fascinating and open new perspectives. I have introduced my… your work and contrasted some information they are presently being given in school as factually indisputable with some of the facts (not mentioned in school) that your newsletter provides. It was quite an experience for them and has prompted them to ask a lot more questions than before, not least of their own teachers, some of whom have discovered they had to do some more research themselves. I wish you and your team all the success and sincerely hope that PCN will become more visible to more readers and not just in scientific circles.”

“Hey—that embedded sound-file idea in the Leakey article is very cool!”

“I already knew that you and your entire team are volunteers which is another reason for me to be so thankful for PCN. Once again all our thanks for your and your team's great work and we are looking forward to more PCN issues. Wishing you all the best.”

“Congratulations to all for ending this year with this great latest issue. ... PC obviously strikes a chord and serves as inspiration to a lot of like-minded people.”

“Congratulations to all the team! Waiting for #42.”

“Every issue keeps getting better.”

“Congratulations for the successful publication. I can understand your and your team’s hard work. Thanking you with respected regards.”

“Thank you for your continued efforts in publishing the very informative Web Journal the Pleistocene Coalition News.”

“Fantastic! Thank you very, very much!!!”

“I am attracted to what you guys are doing because of the mentality of courage that looking at history without fear necessitates.”

“After recently reading Dullum, Lynch and Urbaniak's articles, I have to say they are absolutely splendid!”

“Just found your site and love it. …Thank you for your site and making me feel I’m not insane.”

“If it ever comes out that there has been a conspiracy to keep us in the dark about history, then the whole works falls apart—all the way up to the closed doors in D.C. and the storage buildings of the Smithsonian.”

“Dear John, Virginia, Tom, David as well as all your PCN team of volunteers, My family and I wanted to thank you again for your efforts and for the great articles you have been providing us. PCN has been a great source of educational information and a great help to me personally, as I am trying to provide my small sons with accurate, scientific information sadly too often lacking in the materials their school uses. Knowledge of human history is primordially important as it shapes our world outlook and having the PCN resources available has been very helpful and welcome in developing their capacity for critical thinking, not to mention being great reading and learning for my wife and I and our circle of friends with whom I have been sharing your newsletter. We hope you will keep producing these articles which are both interesting and necessary and I have no doubt that your circle of readers will keep expanding. With all our thanks we wish you all the best while we look forward to the next PCN issue!”

“An absolutely magnificent issue!”

“Best PCN yet! Keep up the hard focus.”

“Another wonderful issue, as per usual.”

“Congratulations for the new PC issue. … I am near PC’s team in the battle against the lie.”

“[I am] delighted with the new PCN issue.”

“I admire your battle against the official paradigm and I am on your side.”

“I found the new PCN issue; was overjoyed.”

“Issue 35 is a jaw dropper! Congratulations!”

A note about our readership: Apart from anonymous readers, the readers of PCN who have told us their professions include researchers and professors, PhD students, and authors in psychology, neuroscience, linguistics (and other anthropology), biology (including MD’s), microbiology, geology, paleontology (incl. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology–published), mathematics professors, physics, astronomy, paleoastronomy, philosophy, the arts (including the performance arts from music, dance and theater to film and installation art) as well as art history. Our readership also includes many engineers, a few NASA associates, those in politics, law, and others.

An important observation: We sometimes receive messages from those who have spent entire careers in mainstream science— fieldwork, teaching, and publishing in those contexts—but who said they were ‘afraid’ or, at the very least, reluctant to investigate conflicting evidence in anthropology, etc., until “after” they retired. That shows there is a trait in modern science that punishes objectivity and critical thinking when it comes to human prehistory. True science encourages those traits as ideals.

“I should write back much more regularly to these sterling editions that arrive in my e-mail! Please accept my kudos and congrats on another spectacular, enlightening, and mind-bending issue of PCN. Your efforts, and the organization’s, are so necessary to bringing awareness to the science community. Especially when, as the commentary astutely points out, religious views and political paradigms would block peoples’ minds from considering something objectively. Carl Sagan’s commentary on human reaction is so spot on. It helps relieve the chafing frustration, gives me a better handle on understanding why there is so much resistance in the ‘mainstreamers’ to accept evidence when it stares them in the face. Would that such evidence had actual teeth to bite them and make them wake up to reality! ... Keep up the superb quality of publication.”

“I subscribe to this online magazine and it is a fascinating production with some AMAZING history-busting evidence from the world of paleontology.”

“Thank you very much again for sending PCN—the last issue is marvelous.”

“I continue to be very impressed with the Pleistocene Coalition! It is refreshing to have such open minded scientists that contribute to the site.”

“Re: Fifth Anniversary Issue, Pleistocene Coalition News … Bravo for this exceptional issue!”

“Congratulations on reaching this landmark—it’s a great achievement! History will remember you for it—in addition to the current dialogue; you, Virginia, Tom, and David have created a public record which will be evermore important as time progresses.”

“Congratulations! Fifth Anniversary Issue, Pleistocene Coalition News. ... You do a great job!”

“Just another great issue!! I am astounded at your dedication along with Virginia, and of course others, in producing such a great piece of work month in and month out.”

“You all have done a marvelous job on Issue 29 of the Pleistocene Coalition publication. Each new issue shows improved skills and significant content. The weight of evidence is becoming overwhelming.”

“Probably the best journal out there for cutting edge research.”

Pleistocene Coalition News. I can understand what a huge commitment this is.”

“You have developed a more than first class publication and resource.”

“What [an] incredible job you and the others are doing. ... PCN is leaving behind a legacy that will probably shape what comes along in this century. Great stuff. And thanks so much for all you have done and are doing, and this goes for everyone involved. ... awesome.”

“What a fantastic issue! Congratulations to all.”

“The entire issue is fascinating. … Looking forward to more issues of PCN hammering away at ignorance!!”

“I am in full agreement with you on our (Canada too) extremely narrow education system. … This seems to even extend into the universities, so even at this age our young people are not able to at least hear the various views that extend to so many areas of science. This includes the subject area as covered by your very fine publication. ... extremely valuable contribution... We have so very little to be enthused about if we are only subject to the mainstream dogma so very prevalent in science today.”

“I admire very much your work and courage … PC is a very important contribution to contemporary knowledge.”

“You are doing a heroic job. … I have saved every copy.”

“Even some people from Australia’s mainstream ... ‘behind the scenes’... have often expressed admiration for the PCN profile, for your courage, tenacity and willingness to tackle sensitive and controversial topics, exposing dishonesty in mainstream science.”

“Wonderfully done, as have been the earlier Issues.”

“This was a great year for the PCN, sending ripples across the world.”

“Thank you for the PCN last issue and congratulations for the new remarkable contribution to prehistory.”

“A pleasure to read all the well edited and vividly illustrated papers!”

“You guys are my heroes!”

“Congratulations of your being able to continue to your most valuable publication, the Pleistocene News. The Pleistocene News serves the purpose of countering the huge amount of dogma and rhetoric that surround so many scientific subject areas.”

“You are living history—keep it going.”

“The PCN editors formulated an unparalleled webzine-profile, the importance of which will only be fully appreciated by future generations—with the benefit of hindsight.”

“Thanking you so much for this valuable journal.”

“Keep up the hard fought fight—you are making and creating history.”

“I have over the past number of months become even more impressed…I believe that people like yourself…and the other volunteers at the Pleistocene Coalition deserve our heartfelt thanks.”

“I love your newsletter. ... refreshing; not the politicized bunk we are fed continuously!”

“My thanks and wishes… I really appreciate all the effort you and your coworkers put into publishing PCN in this perfect way.”

“Quite amazing, impressive.”

“Thanks for your esteemed devotion for discipline.”

“You might not remember who I am: a young archaeologist who thinks for himself. I now study as a postgraduate student at Oxford...There is a young, independent generation coming of age now. We will change this world, for the better. Keep your hopes up friends. This battle is far from over. Take care, and keep up the good work.”

“Well stated and appreciated! Many of your readers and supporters, including me, appreciate your positions and what you are accomplishing...calling attention to paradigm shortfalls and vested interest deflections. You fill a key niche in science, so keep up the good, honesty-driven, pure ‘love of science’ work as best you can under the intense pressures that are obviously involved.”

“Objectively and critically inspiring.”

“The articles are fascinating. …You are truly in a David and Goliath situation. However… I know more and more people are reading your newsletters and spreading the word.”
-High School Teacher

“An excellent edition of the PC read from cover to cover. I really don't know how you do it, but the articles that keep coming are fresh, thought-provoking and, in some cases, brilliant.”

“Your newsletter material is better than GSA Today.”

“Fascinating website and newsletter.”

“There are some extraordinarily brilliant articles in all the Pleistocene Coalition Newsletters...and each issue deserves to be read from cover to cover.”

“WOW...this is an amazing issue. ...academics need to realize that the public is and will be informed.”

“I absolutely loved the latest issue of PCN—really solid points of view and so well expressed.”

“Excellent and most interesting! Acknowledgement for the editors!”

“I am indeed impressed by the high quality of the publication! Well done!”

“A very very impressive issue. Should make anybody start to question and rethink their understanding of ancient man. A lot to digest in just one issue.”

“Quite a wonderful and needed cause you've undertaken.”

“A most interesting and fascinating piece of work. …Thank you and your coworkers very much for all the effort you again had to put into this publication!”

“Congratulations! A great issue indeed!”

“Congratulations for the 2015 issue! I wish you a fruitful year and look forward to reading your interesting articles.”

“Congratulations and kudos for another excellent issue that continues a tradition of excellence PCN has established. ...My deep appreciation to the editors and contributors to this latest issue.”

“There is a hidden history of early man in the Americas that pushes the boundaries of human habitation way back. ... The attached newsletter of the Pleistocene Coalition is always fascinating for me to read. …if you enjoy it there is a free subscription available if you want your own edition sent to you.”
-Reader to a colleague and cc'd to PCN

“Really enjoyed this one!”

“Congratulations to you and the Team!”

“Kindly continue sending.”

“Congratulations! Fifth Anniversary Issue, Pleistocene Coalition News. ... You do a great job!”

“I really liked the last issue of PCN, the best yet!!”

“It appears to me that we are entering a time of enlightenment. … The Common Core blindly agreed to by state governments is opening people’s eyes to what was always there. People pick and choose what they want the history and science to be. ...With Common Core people are finally looking at what is listed as common and determining that they don’t want it.”

“Congratulations for the last PC issue! Very good indeed!”

“Thank you for tremendous effort of scientific journal publication.”

“Very well done—many thanks and admiration for you and your co-editors.”

“I am thankful for your concerted effort in providing update and important information on Pleistocene prehistory.”

“I enjoyed all the articles for their actuality and creativity.”

“Keep up the good fight, victory is on the horizon!”

“Many thanks for…PCN; also thanks to the contributors for very interesting and valuable articles.”

“I am looking with great interest on your PC-News!”

“Keep up your always very good work.”

“Thank you for another great issue. I enjoyed it enormously and am happy to see that authors are choosing such relevant and current topics, which all come together to form a harmonious whole.”

“Thought provoking and challenging… I feel the Gallery idea is great.”

“Just a quick note to thank you for the latest edition of Pleistocene Coalition News which I have read with great interest. Please keep up the good work! All the best for 2013!”

“Congratulations on what you are achieving.”

“Thank you very much for your comprehensive and interesting letter showing how PCN developed...demonstrating which efforts you and your coworkers put into this most useful and important work...We as the readers (and authors) are glad to have such a neutral platform which is not bound on wrong suggestions or restrictions. Keep on! Best wishes and warm regards to all of you!”

“Was finally able to view the new Pleistocene Gallery. What a delight!”

“A fascinating production.”

“Many thanks...I do appreciate the excellent magazine and I will certainly check out the gallery. The title of your email had me worried for a second. I initially read it as meaning there would be no more Pleistocene Coalition News. It would have been sorely missed! Yours in appreciation.”

“I was saddened and concerned for Virginia and her wellbeing while going through such a difficult time…and completely forgot to congratulate the editors on the great new PC issue and...on starting such an intriguing project with the gallery.”

“Fascinating! How do I join so that I can share in your TRUTH seeking? Sincere thanks in advance.”

"I would like to be put on your mailing list. I have had a lifetime interest in this subject."

"Thanks for your great website. I shall have to find time to work through all the excellent material... Meanwhile, congratulations and if I can join or assist, please let me know.”

“To whom it may concern, I have been frantically trying to find a link to join the Pleistocene Coalition.”

“You guys are really good…am proud to be a part of this group.”

PC fascinating information that is important to get before the public.”

“I am very happy to have found the Pleistocene Coalition.”

“Congrats on 3 years, keep fighting ‘the good fight.’”

“Congratulations! This is a splendid site—easily accessible with good pithy texts.”

“Congratulations for your constant efforts in bringing out... Pleistocene Coalition News successfully. It’s really interesting to go through each of the issues.”

“Thanks to all of the PCN editing team. It’s marvelous.”

“What great news! Keep it going/coming guys!”

“Another rich edition! Congratulations.”

“These are very important documents.”

Pleistocene Coalition News is produced by volunteers.

Coalition News

Challenging the tenets of mainstream scientific agendas

- Issue #90 -

Issue #s 1-90

Gramly (archaeologist; mammoths, mastodons, lithics worldwide)

Peratt and Yao (plasma physics, astronomy, international rock art)

tn_J.Harrod's.image-1231330935.gif (James B. Harrod; early religion, symbolism, and linguistics)

Leduc (geological engineer)

Rock art in Delhi, India (Thakur, discoverer previously unrecorded petroglyphs, menhirs)


Neuhauser (neurolgy, early human culture)


Macnab (symbolism and design)

McCormack (archaeology, consciousness)

Whittall (cryptozoology, past human history, enigmas)

Mitton (PC depiction of Bilzingsleben geometer)

Challenging the Myth (Reassessing Paleolithic cognition; paleontology)

VanLandingham (geologist, diatomist;
oldest archaeological sites in the Americas)

tn_Lake-Manix 039.jpg
Baldwin (Homo erectus capabilities, pre-Clovis earliest Americans)

Van der Drift (stone tool production expert)

Fiedler (archaeology,
cognition and culture)

DreamRaiser (archaeologist Vesna Tenodi; the politics of Australian archaeology; truth in science)

"Valsequillo Enigma" "Early Man SUPPRESSED" DVDs

Greve (neurology, early human culture)


Bonnye Matthews  (pre-Clovis fiction incl Valsequillo Hueyatlaco)

Steeves (indigenous peoples database incl sites only known to indigenous peoples)

Babel's Dawn (linguistics, symbolism)


Cannell (mainstream, hominids, engineering)

Steen-McIntyre (geologist; oldest
archaeological sites in the Americas - suppressed 50 years)

Hardaker (archaeologist; Pre-Clovis in the Americas)

Urbaniak (U.S. parietal rock art discovery, Native American implications, preservation)

tn_james reid moir[fromV_7-8-11]contrast+20_h65.jpg
Classic British Archaeology (Dullum & Lynch lifting crucial discoveries from obscurity)

Cremo (Forbidden Archeology brought Dr. Steen-McIntyre's story of suppression to the public) 

Goodman (geologist, mining engineer, Flagstaff Stone, early Americas - suppressed 40 years)

tn_Horse projection-Matt'sField Reconstructions-page[htopsequ]crop.jpg
Gatton (paleo-camera theory and Paleolithic cognition)

Anarchaeology (archaeological an

Gheorghiu (experimental archaeology; Paleolithic-Neolithic religion and ritual)

Winkler (conceptual installation art on premise of high Paleolithic cognitive ability, linguistics)

Jègues-Wolkiewiez (Lascaux time & measure)

The Cosmic Tusk
(extraterrestrial impacts)

Udell (artistic spirit of paleoart reconstruction)

Mayor (mythology, unexpectedly early science; open-minded mainstream)

tn_image 1-3_h60.jpg
(dream imagery art, prehistoric psychology)

tn_Page18(plate#4-all-extinct-diatoms-excpt-fig2-150dpi-vers) from VanLandingham_2004.jpg
Venus-of-Tan-Tan_Lutz-Fiedler_PCN#2-p6.jpg tn_jfeliks2006_graphics-figure5detail-w-date_h330.jpg

tn_Winkler_M_Ancient Art & Modern Language Draft[4-24-10]_1_0001.jpg

"I never submitted the whole system of my opinions
to the creed of any party of men whatever,
in religion, in philosophy, in politics, or in anything else
where I was capable of thinking for myself."

- Thomas Jefferson, 1789 -



Researchers with evidence challenging the standard view of early man
as promoted by mainstream science

Challenging the Myth
¯¯¯ Palaeolithic geometry, cartography, and linguistics

If you believe that early peoples such as Homo erectus and Neanderthals were less intelligent than we are today, then you are placing far too much trust in the objectivity
of mainstream science and especially the evolutionary community. Unlike in other fields of science, and due to the less-rigorous nature and weaknesses of its tenets, this community routinely blocks from publication any evidence that challenges its core paradigms resulting in public perceptions that are not accurate. On this page (The Graphics of Bilzingsleben, in lieu of the forthcoming page), you can learn the story of how empirical and unequivocal geometric data challenging a paradigm and presented in a mainstream forum was held back from publication by the European, Australian, and U.S. scientific communities. Learn how this data (held back since 2006) demonstrates beyond any doubt that there has been no change in human cognitive ability for at least 400,000 years, challenging the veracity of the evolutionary paradigm in a way never anticipated and leaving the only strategic response from the faith-based Darwin community that of low, though standard evolutionary community, behaviors such as name-calling (see exposé below) or simply ignoring or censoring the evidence. (John Feliks)


Selected articles in PC News:
- Continuity through time (Issue 1)
- Ardi: How to create a science myth (Issue 3)
- The Pleistocene Coalition: Exploring a new paradigm (Issue 7)
The golden flute of Geissenklösterle: preview (Issue 8)
- A prehistory of hiking: Neanderthal storytelling (Issue #10) [HTML vers]

- Graphics of Bilzingsleben series, Pt 1: Staight edge use by Homo erectus (Issue 12)
- Graphics of Bilzingsleben series, Pt 2: Censoring the world's oldest human language (Issue 13)
- Graphics of Bilzingsleben series, Pt 3: Base grids of a suppressed Homo erectus knowledge system (Issue 14)
- Graphics of Bilzingsleben series, Pt 4: 350,000 years before Bach (Issue 15)
- Graphics of Bilzingsleben series, Pt 5: Gestalten (Issue 16)
- Graphics of Bilzingsleben series, Pt 6: The Lower Paleolithic origins of advanced mathematics (Issue 17)
- Graphics of Bilzingsleben series, Pt 7: Who were the people of Bilzingsleben? (Issue 18)
- Graphics of Bilzingsleben series, Pt 8: Evidence for a Homo erectus campsite depiction in 3D (Issue 19)
- Graphics of Bilzingsleben series, Pt 9: Artifact 6 'Lower tier' in multiview and oblique projections (Issue 20)

- 12 Angry Men, starring Henry Fonda: a superb classic film for teaching critical thinking attitude and skills (Issue 16)
- Four arguments for the elimination of television, Jerry Mander (Issue 17)
- Launching the Gallery (Issue 20)
- The straight line route: A different perspective on trekking from Central Asia to the U.S. Southwest (Issue 23)
- Virginia Steen-McIntyre's 'vindication' begins (Issue 25)

- Reviving the Calico of Louis Leakey, part 1: A review of PCN Calico articles plus a new transcription and re-mastering of available audio of Louis S.B. Leakey's 1970 Calico talk (Issue 21)
- Reviving the Calico of Louis Leakey, part 2: A review of PCN Calico articles plus a new transcription and re-mastering of available audio of Louis S.B. Leakey's 1970 Calico talk (Issue 22)
- Reviving the Calico of Louis Leakey, part 3: Audio clips from Leakey's 1970 Calico talk (Issue 39)
- The U.S. and Mexico falling behind in protecting early man sites (Issue 39)
- News and perspective regarding an early site in Canada's Yukon (Issue 45)
- Homo erectus inching toward Carnegie Hall: Modern jazz musicians compose and improvised on Bilzingsleben's Augmented Scale X [w/audio clips] (Issue 46)
- Two contemporaneous Paleolithic cultures showing modern-level intelligence (Issue 46)
- Cerutti Mastodon publication after '25 years': What was actually behind the infamous suppression and publication? The answers are not as clear-cut as Nature and other popular venues are saying, Part 1 (Issue 47)
- Cerutti Mastodon publication after '25 years'...Part 2 (Issue 47)
- Neighboring archaeological sites: The Cerutti Mastodon case would be strengthened by not distancing Calico (Issue 47)
- H. erectus musicians evolved? (Issue 47)
- The problem of wide-ranging Pleistocene-Recent tool types and intellectual skills (Issue 48)
- Lower and Middle Paleolithic-style tools in Atacama Desert Chile (Issue 48)
- A life defending archaeological truth: Remembering PC founding member Chris Hardaker on PCN's 8th Anniversary (Issue 49)
- Two reasons for suppression of evidence in anthropology (Issue 49)
- Obituary excerpts, Charles "Chuck" Naeser, PhD (Issue 49)
- About Alaskan author Bonnye Matthews' novella Freedom: 250,000 BC (Issue 49)
- Support from the Phi in the Acheulian paper for proposed emotion-affecting Fibonacci-style horns (Issue 49)
- A reminder of the quality of Calico's artifacts (Issue 50)
- Comment on article about Caledonian crow toolmaking techniques (Issue 50)
- 25-year old scientific studies of the West Tofts handaxe and why they are suppressed (Issue 51)
- Pros & cons of Ekkehart Malotki's and Ellen Dissanayake's new book on early rock art of the American West (Issue 51)
- Member news: Calico Early Man Site YouTube tour and links to PCN Calico articles (Issue 52)
Advances in technology do not reflect human evolution (Issue 52)
- Member news: Patricio Bustamante, Dragos Gheorghiu new book, and TIOF's Fig. 5 on Pinterest (Issue 52)
- NeanderART Conference anthropological accountability (Issue 52)
- PCN relevant reprint series: Variation on a shared syntax (Issue 52)
- Who would not trust NASA moon rock experts to date rocks on Earth? (Issue 53)
- The exchange of inspiration across cultures (Issue 53)
- Suppressed by the U.S. anthropology community Dr. Roald Fryxell's science top notch (Issue 54)
- What the new oldest tools outside Africa don't say (Issue 54)
- False statements from Nature, Science, Smithsonian regarding engravings (Issue 54)
- A reminder to those participating in the upcoming NeanderArt Conference (Issue 54)
- Complete lack of honest reporting characterizes anthropology in regards to evidence of the earliest Americans (Issue 54)
- Ray Urbaniak discovers more science falsehood published as fact in a recent Nature article (Issue 55)
- The oldest proposed human dwelling depictions from the Paleolithic (Issue 55)
- Three-month old Upper Paleolithic infant buried with honors in a cave 1,000 years after the era of Gobekli Tepe (Issue 56)
- The late Hal Malde, Hueyatlaco expert, brief introduction (Issue 56)
- The myth of millennial migrations (Issue 56)
- The myth of millennial migrations, Part 2 (Issue 57)
- What Oldowan or 'Mode 1' tools found anywhere in the world don't say (Issue 57)
- Misidentification of 35,000-year old Mongolian fossil (Issue 57)
- Foundations of modern science: The most underacknowledged contributor class (Issue 58)
- For the past several years Tom Baldwin has kept our readers informed (Issue 58)
- Ray Urbaniak and archaeologist Fred Budinger (Issue 58)
- Archaeologist Fred Budinger news, Calico Early Man Site shut down - PCN Editor's comment (Issue 59)
- The Father of Modern Archaeology (Issue 59)
- Fenton encounters mainstream anthropology (Issue 59)
- Virginia's recent stroke (Issue 59)
- Publication bias in anthropology: How the work of famed stratigrapher, Roald Fryxell, has been selectively blocked (Issue 60)
- Virginia's health and recent stroke (Issue 60)
- Kortik Tepe: Paleolithic civilization older than Gobekli Tepe (Issue 61)
- Virginia's health and recent stroke: info and repost excerpts (Issue 61)
- Correspondence including Virginia's health, recent stroke, and related (Issue 63)


This section documents well-acknowledged work suppressed 
by the journals Current Anthropology (U.S.) and Rock Art Research (Australia) and by competitive editors and reviewers with well-known 'conflicts of interest'. It is one more example revealing the dark underbelly of anthropology publication. The problem for this particular paper occurred before the field was exposed for enabling reviewers with conflicts of interest to determine the publication outcome of competitors' papers. It was often done 'anonymously' enabling reviewers to see new work submitted in trust to quickly alter their own work for publication while the original submitters' work was held back. The Issue #61 installment documents a few of the passionate defenses of 'The Impact of Fossils' paper by eminent scientists decrying the paper's censorship and revealing awareness of anti-science behaviors by the journals listed (in a list including others such as the Journal of Human Evolution). The defenses came from leading experts in neurology, psychology, neuropsychology, anthropology (including archaeology), sociology, geology, mathematics and engineering.

- Natural representations theory: What the experts really think [documented facts about the paper's censorship in anthropology with comments on the matter from eminent and reputable scientists] (Issue 61)

The Impact of Fossils [the FULL 1998 Rock Art Research PAPER reproduced in installments as the publisher blocked requested PDFs]: A paper on Paleolithic fossil collecting and its possible influence on early humans

- pp. 109-111 Introduction; The 'natural representations theory' (Issue 62)
- pp. 111-113 Potential clinical testing; Ethnographic analogy; Physical evidence (Issue 63)
- pp. 113-116 Natural imagery; The West Tofts handaxe (Issue 64)
- pp. 116-117 The medium of rock as image field; Race cryptomnesia; Substitution (Issue 65)
- pp. 117-119 Fossils as referents for ambiguous iconography; The 'fossil depictions theory' (Issue 66)
- pp. 119-120 Entoptic phenomena (Issue 67)
- pp. 120-121 Trilobites (Issue 68)
- pp. 120-123 Comparing enigmatic rock art images and trilobite structures + Supplement (Issue 69)
- pp. 123-124 Mapping Iberian rock art sites and trilobites; Series Conclusion (Issue 70)

- Candidates for Paleolithic rhythmic notation (Issue 63)
- Anthropology's falsehoods by omission (Issue 64)
- Degradation of Australian archaeology as a science equals the U.S. (Issue 64)
- REPRINT: Cerutti Mastodon publication after "25 years": What was actually behind the infamous suppression and publication? The answers are not as clear-cut as Nature and other popular venues are saying, Part 1 By John Feliks; informed by PCN editors Dr. Virginia Steen-McIntyre, Tom Baldwin, and David Campbell; and PC records; Chris Hardaker; the San Diego Cerutti Team’s 'Discovery Timeline;' and other sources as credited (Issue 64)
- REPRINT: Cerutti Mastodon publication after "25 years": What was actually behind the infamous suppression and publication? The answers are not as clear-cut as Nature and other popular venues are saying, Part 2 Ibid. (Issue 64)
- REPRINT: Neighboring archaeological sites: The Cerutti Mastodon case would be strengthened by not distancing Calico (Issue 64)
- Tom Baldwin's new report on the humanity of Neanderthals [Editorial] (Issue 65)
- PCN-Cerutti timeline correction and a 'twin' suppression [Involving Michael Cremo and Dr. Virginia Steen-McIntyre] (Issue 65)
- 8 proofs the 'ships not seen' effect causes scientific error in anthropology, biology, and paleontology Compilation by John Feliks with observations by Tom Baldwin, Richard Dullum, and Dr. Virginia Steen-McIntyre (Issue 65)
- Forming a new Clovis paradigm: Why the mainstream's biased control of evidence must be challenged en masse  (Issue 66)
- The problem of priority fixation in paleoanthropology (Issue 66)
- Ancient American and Indian petroglyphic encyclopedias (Issue 68)
- Clovis effigies publication held up for 12 years (Issue 69)
- Mnemonic devices trump entoptic hallucinations: Lukasa memory boards (Issue 69)
- Nine Men's Morris - Thakur's 'game boards' - which came first? (Issue 70)
- Archaeology of North Central Ohio, Vol. 3, quick overview of PC interests (Issue 70)
- Nine Men's Morris - Thakur's 'game boards' - Alquerque (Issue 71)
- Member news and other info, May-June 2021 (Issue 71)
- International experts respond to California's BLM/big business threats to Calico Early Man Site (Issue 72)
- Calico and Brassempouy - timely questions (Issue 72)
- 'Relevant update' after Dr. Virginia Steen-McIntyre's 'Information control' reprint (Issue 72)
- Follow-up to "Quotes of interest on suppression in science and education" (Issue 73)
- The myth of millennial migrations, Part 2: False maps: How mainstream science simply omits crucial archaeological sites it doesn't want the public to know about [Reprint from Issue 57] (Issue 74)
- Maverick archaeologist Jacques Cinq-Mars (Issue 74)
- Carl Sagan unwittingly equated anthropology with politics and religion [Reprint of Intro from Issue #30 with 2022 Addendum] (Issue 75)
- REPRINT: The straight line route: A different perspective on trekking from Central Asia to the U.S. Southwest [Reprint Issue #23] (Issue 75)
- REPRINT: A prehistory of hiking - Neanderthal storytelling [Reprint Issue #10] (Issue 76) [HTML vers]
- REPRINT: Neanderthal identity [Reprint Issue #65] (Issue 76)
- A few relevant PCN reprints regarding Neanderthals [Reprints Issue #10, #31, #65] (Issue 76)
- Wayback Machine, Archive Team, etc., important services to humanity (Issue 76)
- The longtime misuse of taxonomic nomenclature: Misleading the public into believing the fossil record is full of imperfect evolving species [Supplement to the "Objective Stratigraphic Column Project"] (Issue 77)
- Archaeological evidence below the Saudi desert: Discovery of an apparent tool workshop in Arabia's longest lava tube (Issue 78)
- What Carl Sagan wasn't about to tell you (Issue 78)
- The value of evidence in Paleolithic anthropology (Issue 78)
- Responsibility to the public: American Anthropological Association (AAA) rules of ethics disregarded by the field (Issue 79)
- What Carl Sagan wasn't about to tell you, Part2: Learning the gold standard invertebrate fossil record can help temper unbridled claims about human fossils (Issue 79)
- Anonymity or accountability: An archaeological conundrum (Issue 80)
- Eds. note: A success of the PC (Issue 80)
- The broader picture (Issue 81)
- Neanderthals and humans: Perpetuation of a false distinction (Issue 81)
- Minority Report analogue: How good science fiction can imitate bad science (Issue 82)
- The problem of priority fixation in paleoanthropology [Reprint] (Issue 84)
- Foundations of modern science: The most under-acknowledged contributor class (updated) (Issue 84)
- Sage Wall and Coral Castle (Issue 85)
- Language origin theories are back in the news: However, linguists are still ignoring archaeolgical evidence (Issue 85)
- Recent items pointing to H. erectus intelligence (Issue 86)
- U-M and Google re-post PCN Editor-in-Chief's 39 long-missing html pages (Issue 87)
- Revisiting PCN #75 (Jan-Feb 2022): Pleiades editorials [Citing Urbaniak, Albalawi, Crocco, and Walli-Knofler] (Issue 88)
- Original proposal: H. erectus-designed 3D intent [Unofficial intro to article on Artifact 6 3D] (Issue 88)
- Perspectives on Bilzingsleben Artifact 6: "when a map is a 3D fractal" (Issue 88)
- Another example of "priority fixation" in paleoanthropology (Issue 89)
- Multiview perspective drawing of Bilzingsleben Artifact 6 'Lower tier' (Issue 89)
- Stopping science suppression and plagiarism at their source (Issue 90)
- The 'Objective' Stratigraphic Column project: Cores [Part 21 of "Debunking evolutionary propaganda" 21-part series reprinted 'in reverse'] (Issue 90)

21-Part Debunking evolutionary propaganda series in PDF (with Parts 1-11 also in "zoomable' HTML):

 ***Click the following link for the series in HTML
: -[Part 1 (HTML) on the Wayback Machine. At the top, it contains links to all other HTML versions of Parts 2-11 including high-quality "zoomable" fossil pictures. At the bottom of the page there is a similar set of links. However, that Part 6 link (to Brachiopoda) misdirects to Part 8 (Porifera and Cnidaria). Here is the corect link to Part 6: Part 6: Brachiopoda).

Parts 12-21 are only available in PDF form
. Below is the entire 21-part series in PCN (PDFs):

- Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 1: Basic propaganda techniques in college textbooks (Issue 23)
- Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 2: Fictions taught as fact in college textbooks, 1st half
(Issue 23)
- Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 3: Fictions taught as fact in college textbooks, 2nd half (Issue 24)
- Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 4: Evolutionists are not qualified to assess 'any' evidence (Issue 25)
- Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 5: Mandatory U.S.-legislated indoctrination now in place - 1st target, captive-audience children in K-12 science classrooms (Issue 27)
- Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 6: The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Brachiopoda (Issue 28)
- Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 7: The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Mollusca (Issue 29)
- Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 8: The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Porifera and Cnidaria (Issue 30)
- Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 9: The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Echinodermata (Issue 31)
- Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 10: The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Bryozoa (Issue 32)
- Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 11: The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Arthropoda (Issue 33)
- Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 12: The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Trace fossils & graptolites (Issue 34)
- Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 13: The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Plants (Issue 35)
- Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 14: The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Fishes and invertebrates (Issue 36)
- Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 15: Tetrapod evolution credibility questioned via invertebrate fossils (Issue 37)
- Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 16: Overview and links for Parts 1-15 (Issue 38)
- Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 17: The 'Objective' Stratigraphic Column project: Ordovician (Issue 40)
- Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 18: The 'Objective' Stratigraphic Column project: Devonian (Issue 41)
- Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 19: Quick links (Issue 42)
- Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 20: Reality check, 'Mass extinctions' (Issue 43)
- Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 21: The 'Objective' Stratigraphic Column project: Cores (Issue 46)

- Tales of a fossil collector, Part 1 (Issue 24)
- Tales of a fossil collector, Part 2 (Issue 25)
- Tales of a fossil collector, Part 3 (Issue 26)
- Tales of a fossil collector, Part 4 [Glenwood Canyon, Colorado] (Issue 27)
- Tales of a fossil collector, Part 5 [Lingula brachiopod with soft pedicle preserved] (Issue 28)
- Tales of a fossil collector, Part 6 (Issue 29)

- Five constants from an Acheulian compound line (published in Aplimat - Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012)

Variation on a shared syntax
(Issue 33)
- Ipswich Man, like other ancient remains, creates snags for mainstream timelines (Issue 33)
- Support for VSM's National Geographic propaganda alert and their claims about the consensus of "science experts" (Issue 34)
- Let's hold anthropology to higher standards (Issue 35)
- Zilhao's battle for rock art preservation not to be forgotten (Issue 36)
- PCN Layout editor's controversial 2006-2012 mathematical constants papers hacked again (Issue 37)
- Following Zilhao's lead: History teaches that rock art-related defamation must be nipped in the bud and the credibility of accusers brought to light early on (Issue 37)
- Mainstream quotes of the day (Issue 38)
- Question from a reader on the topic of fraud in school textbooks (Issue 39)
- Sensationalized PBS programming employs techniques similar to Sesame Street (Issue 41)
- Exposed psychological manipulation in Florida Common Core could inspire children to play a bigger role in fighting corrupt U.S. education (Issue 42)
- What mainstream science can learn from Big Tobacco, Part 1 (Issue 42)
- Archaeological objectivity? (Issue 42)
- What mainstream science can learn from Big Tobacco, Part 2 (Issue 43)
- 'Suppression' anniversary (Issue 43)
- Language origin theories are back in the news: However, linguists still ignoring Paleolithic evidence (Issue 44)
- Straight edge use by Homo erectus (Issue 45)
- A prehistory of hiking: Neanderthal storytelling [Fig. 1 reproduction from Issue #10] (Issue 45)
Update about Virginia's health and circumstances (Issue 67)


¯¯¯ People have been in the New World for 250,000 years

If you are absolutely convinced that people first arrived in the Americas a mere 15-30 thousand years ago, this is because you have been spoon-fed by an institution that will not allow you to see conflicting data. When scientific institutions withhold empirical data in order to promote a single belief system they can manipulate a trusting public into believing whatever paradigm they wish to impose upon them. Those who trust the institutions but do not investigate the evidence themselves are easily prodded along.
On this website you can view actual archaeological data straight from a tephrochronologist (volcanic ash expert, Ph.D). Re-claim your ability to think for yourself. Go beyond what you read on blogs or watch on standard science programs and be prepared to question what you have long been taught regarding the peopling of the Americas. (This website is under construction. However, much of the data on the archaeological sites can be viewed temporarily on the Valsequillo and Hueyatlaco forums of the website. Click on the link or the picture for Virginia Steen-McIntyre's Pleistocene Coalition page and quick information on Valsequillo and Hueyatlaco.) Steen-McIntyre is a founding member of the Pleistocene Coalition and editor and advisor for Pleistocene Coalition News.

Pleistocene Coalition webpage:

Selected articles in PC News:

- Introduction (Issue 11)
- Part 1 (Issue 11)
- Part 2 (Issue 11)
- Part 3 (Issue 12)
- Part 4 (Issue 12)
- Part 5 (Issue 13)
- Part 6 (Issue 13)
- Part 7 (Issue 14)

- The Valsequillo/Hueyatlaco story: Overview and links [50th Anniversary of VSM involvement] (Issue 39)

- The long haul: Virginia Steen-McIntyre on the fight for recognition at Valsequillo (Issue 1)
- Peking man a meeting with the last person to handle the Zhoukoudian erectus fossils (Issue 4)
- Atepitzingo, Part 1: Was American Homo erectus fashion conscious? (Issue 5)
Atepitzingo, Part 2: Was American Homo erectus a right-brain thinker? (Issue 5)
- BOOK REVIEW: Artchaeology by Dragos Gheorghiu (Issue 5)
- BOOK REVIEW: Cycle of cosmic catastrophes, by Richard Firestone, Allen West, and Simon Warwick-Smith (Issue 6)
- What happened to the Atepitzingo horse head? Ancient engraving from Mexico (Issue 7)
- The enigmatic Ostrander skull (Issue 7)
- BOOK REVIEW: Drawing on the right side of the brain (Issue 8)
- Tetela 1 scribed bone: Oldest American artwork yet? (Issue 9)
- An avocational archaeology page? (Issue 9)
- Blocking data: At the editor's desk (Issue 9)
Mexican Hueyatlaco site gone (Issue 10)
- Data block: The conference from Hell (Issue 10)
- Valsequillo passed over - again! (Issue 10)
- Avocational archaeology: Making photographs Virginia Steen-McIntyre w/ Dave McIntyre (Issue 10)
- Avocational archaeology: More on taking better photographs (Issue 11)
- The collapse of standard paradigm New World prehistory (Issue 14)
- El Horno (Issue 15)
Bob McKinney, 1933-2011, Valsequillo Classic Project colleague (Issue 16)
- Avocational archaeology: To clean or not to clean... that is the question (Issue 16)
- The 4% Universe, book quote (Issue 17)
- Avocational archaeology: How to give an audio/visual presentation (Issue 19)
- Early man in Northern Yukon 300,000 years ago (Issue 20)
- Calico watch (Issue 21)
- Without scientific oversight or consensus dates, Calico Early Man Site is renamed and emasculated (Issue 23)
- Forgotten heroes of archaeology: George McJunkin: "Black cowboy" brings Native Americans into the Pleistocene (Issue 24)
- Note from Virginia Steen-McIntyre and Jim Harrod on 'figure stones' policy (Issue 24)
- We make the Friends of Calico newsletter... sort of (Issue 26)
- Elongate tools of Homo erectus in Kenya (Issue 27)
- 300,000-year old fire hearth found in Israel (Issue 27)
- BOOK REVIEW: The passing of the Aborigines (Issue 27)
- Genes shared with the Neanderthals: good news and bad news (Issue 28)
- New early man site in Tennessee (Issue 28)
- Calico News (Issue 29)
- Mitochondrial DNA reveals surprises (Issue 29)
- Clovis folk in Mexico dined on four-tusked gomphotheres such as that portrayed in the Tetela 1 engraving (Issue 30)
- Mexican genetic study shows both tremendous diversity and close biological connections (Issue 30)
- A new Hominin? (Issue 30)
- Signs of human ditch construction predates Amazon rainforest (Issue 30)
- Alan Cannell mainstream publication (Issue 30)
- Valsequillo saga going out to the Spanish speaking world (Issue 31)
- Florida's Old Vero Man site may hold ancient DNA (Issue 31)
- Neanderthal "hashtag" art (Issue 31)
- Perspectives on several news items related to ancient sites and related topics (Issue 32)
- National Geographic, January 2015 - Same old same old (Issue 33)
- Debatable news: Neanderthal nasal anatomy supposedly shows it is "not" a subspecies of modern humans (Issue 33)
- Penghu jawbone, VSM response (Issue 33)
- National Geographic does it again: another propaganda piece (Issue 34)
- New book - in Spanish - includes PC founding member Dr. Virginia Steen-McIntyre's story (Issue 35)
- Why not by boat? (Issue 36)
- Human hands have changed little over time (Issue 36)
- Mammoth migrations into North America suggest human presence (Issue 38)
- When scientists stick to facts that are not popular in the mainstream (Issue 40)
- "They" used stalagmites to build deep-cave structures (Issue 41)
- Homo floresiensis extinct earlier than thought (Issue 41)
- Early man in Northern Yukon 300,000 years ago [Reprint from Issue #20] (Issue 46)
- Neanderthal dental plaque has tales to tell (Issue 46)
- "Patchwork" skulls suggest early human intermixing (Issue 46)
Thoughts on early man [response to Cerutti Mastodon Site Nature publication April 2017] (Issue 47)
- DNA can be recovered from soil 17-05-14 (Issue 47)
- Homo naledi just got younger (Issue 47)
- An avocational archaeology page? (Revisiting PCN #9, Jan-Feb 2011) (Issue 48)
- Neanderthals have "human" DNA (Issue 48)
- A few words about the late Chris Hardaker MA and Chuck Naeser PhD (Issue 49)
- Information control (Issue 50)
- Ancient genomes from South Africa now prompt estimates of modern human divergence 260-350,000 years ago (Issue 50)
- Farmers in Mexico a quarter million years ago? Evidence of maize grains withheld from publication (Issue 52)
- Greenland ice covers evidence of a massive Ice Age meteor strike (Issue 57)
- "Vengeful gods": A scientific paper and purportedly objective databank on a potentially biased substrate (Issue 58)
- 8 proofs the 'ships not seen' effect causes scientific error in anthropology, biology, and paleontology Compilation of observations by Tom Baldwin, Richard Dullum, John Feliks and Dr. Virginia Steen-McIntyre (Issue 65)

- Virginia Steen-McIntyre and an important insight behind PCN's continuity (Issue 42)
- Health and circumstances update of PC founding member, Dr. Virginia Steen-McIntyre (Issue 43)
- Update on health and circumstances of PC founding member, Dr. Virginia Steen-McIntyre (Issue 44)
- Updates on health and circumstances of PC founding member, Dr. Virginia Steen-McIntyre (Issue 62)
- Correspondence including Virginia's health, recent stroke, and related (Issue 63)
- PCN-Cerutti timeline correction and a 'twin' suppression [Involving Michael Cremo and Dr. Virginia Steen-McIntyre] (Issue 65)
- Update about Virginia's health and circumstances (Issue 67)
- The value of evidence in Paleolithic anthropology (Issue 78)
- Responsibility to the public: American Anthropological Association (AAA) rules of ethics disregarded by the field (Issue 79)
- Several references to Dr. Virginia Steen-McIntyre, PhD [see p. 1 & p. 15, Eds. note: Success of the PC] (Issue 80)

Asian Homo erectus in the Americas? (Issue 2)
Caltrans site 300,000-year old mastodon kill site documented by California Deptartment of Transportation paleontological survey (Issue 3)
The mastodon as food in ancient Mexico (Issue 6)
- "Never before in the Western Hemisphere" ?? Tetela 1 mastodon (Issue 8)
- The question of "early man" in ice age Colorado (Issue 17)
- After 22 years, Caltrans mastodon butchering site still being ignored [Reprint from Issue #3 with added Fig. 3] (Issue 45)
The mastodon as food in ancient Mexico [Reprint from Issue #6] (Issue 47)
- "Never before in the Western Hemisphere" ?? Tetela 1 mastodon [Reprint from Issue #8, IN THEIR OWN WORDS series, with figures frontloaded] (Issue 51)
- 10 years ago in Pleistocene Coalition News: Dr. Virginia Steen-McIntyre's first "In their own words" column [reprint of PCN #2, November-December 2009, with added figures] (Issue 62)
- 10 years ago in Pleistocene Coalition News: Dr. Virginia Steen-McIntyre's second "In their own words" column: Caltrans site [now called Cerutti mastodon site] [reprint of PCN #3 (Jan-Feb 2009) and PCN #45 (Jan-Feb 2017) with additional figure] (Issue 63)

REPRINT: Thoughts on early man
[response to Cerutti Mastodon Site Nature publication April 2017] (Issue 64)
- REPRINT: The mastodon as food in ancient Mexico [Reprint Issues #6 and #47] (Issue 66)
- REPRINT: Early man in Northern Yukon 300,000 years ago [Reprint Issue #20] (Issue 67)
- REPRINT: Peking Man: And a small branch of that long-cold trail leads to - Evergreen, Colorado!? [Reprint Issue #4] (Issue 68)
- REPRINT: To clean or not to clean... that is the question [Reprint Issue #16] (Issue 69)
- REPRINT: Clovis folk in Mexico dined on four-tusked gomphotheres such as that portrayed in the Tetela 1 engraving [Reprint Issue #30] (Issue 69)
- 10 years ago in PCN - Issue #10, March-April 2011 : Abocational archaeology: Making photographs [Supplemented by Dave McIntyre] (Issue 70)
- 10 years ago in PCN - Issue #10, March-April 2011 : Abocational archaeology: Some pointer for photographing small objects Dave McIntyre (Issue 70)
- REPRINT: Note from Virginia Steen-McIntyre and Jim Harrod on 'figure stones' policy [Reprint Issue #24] (Issue 71)
- REPRINT: Forgotten heroes of archaeology: George McJunkin "Black cowby" brings Native Americans into the Pleistocene [Reprint Issue #24] (Issue 71)
- 10 years ago in PCN - Issue #12, Avocational archaeology: More on taking better photographs (Issue 71)
- REPRINT: Without scientific oversight or consensus dates, Calico Early Man Site is renamed and emasculated [Reprint Issue #23] (Issue 72)
- REPRINT: Information control [Reprint Issue #50]  (Issue 72; includes a 'Relevant update')
- REPRINT: The collapse of standard paradigm New World prehistory [Reprint from Issue 14] (Issue 74)
- REPRINT: Without scientific oversight or consensus dates, Calico Early Man Site is renamed and emasculated [Reprint Issue #23] (Issue 75)
- REPRINT: Neanderthal "hashtag" art [Reprint Issue #31] (Issue 76)
- REPRINT: National Geographic does it again: another propaganda piece [Reprint Issue #34] (Issue 77)
- REPRINT: Mexican Hueyatlaco site gone (Issue 81)
- REPRINT: The nose knows: Neanderthal nasal anatomy supposedly shows it is "not" a subspecies of modern humans [Reprint Issue #33] (Issue 82)
- Upcoming REPRINTS announcement regarding scientific approach toward 'figure stones' (Issue 87)
- Insights and inspirations for avocational collectors: Compilation list of articles in series started by Dr. Virginia Steen-McIntyre (Issue 88)
Click for Virginia Steen-McIntyre's Pleistocene Coalition page. ¯¯¯ Art and religion have been around since the beginning

The website of James B. Harrod, Ph.D. Do you have a picture of early peoples such as Homo erectus or Neanderthals as just barely intelligent enough to walk around or throw a few spears? Is your picture one in which early peoples spend their entire lives in little more than a desperate struggle for survival without stories
or philosophies? On this website you can learn through images of actual artifacts how the archaeological evidence for early art, myth and religion is both immense and vast. If you are prepared to think in 3D and enter into the spiritual and philosophical minds of early people, then it is time to look beyond the mundane interpretations of artifacts so long promoted by mainstream science and realize with confidence what you probably already intuitively knew - that human beings have always thought and felt deeply about their world. Harrod is a founding member of the Pleistocene Coalition.

Articles in PC News, ISSUES #3 and #8:
- Out of Africa revisited technological and symbolic innovation over 3 million years time (Issue 3)
- Stratigraphic mythology 'Mytho-stratigraphy' and report on mythology seminar at Harvard (Issue 8)
- Comment on dating of Benekendorff's Ohle pit artifacts (Issue 15)
Note from Virginia Steen-McIntyre and Jim Harrod on 'figure stones' policy (Issue 24)
- Comment on dating of Berekhat Ram figurine (Issue 53)
R.M. Gramly publication announcements new paper & book w-contributions by James Harrod (Issue 70)
- REPRINT: Note from Virginia Steen-McIntyre and Jim Harrod on 'figure stones' policy [Reprint Issue #24] (Issue 71)
Letter to California Bureau of Land Management (BLM) regarding preservation of Calico environs
(Issue 72)
- Lengthy quote from: Letter to California Bureau of Land Management (BLM) regarding preservation of Calico environs (Issue 72)

VanLandingham ¯¯¯ Mainstream science runs when its precepts are challenged

Scientists absorbed in the long-unquestioned paradigm that Homo erectus never made it to the New World may tell you to steer clear of "fringe" ideas. They often do whatever it takes to make certain that you, as a consumer of science, are left to know of only one perspective in regards how American archaeological sites are dated and when early peoples first appeared in the Americas. Often, they have provided dates for artifacts and even human remains specially-tailored to fit the preconceived notion that only modern Homo sapiens made it to the New World. See where this is heading? Rest assured, these scientists are now running scared in the face of hard-fast data. Here you can read the actual reports
from one of the world's leading diatomists, Ph.D (reports these scientists would rather you didn't have access to) demonstrating beyond any reasonable doubt that archaic people were in the Americas 80-400 thousand years ago. VanLandingham is a founding member of the Pleistoecne Coalition.

Pleistocene Coalition webpage:

Articles in PC News:
- The power of diatoms Hueyatlaco artifacts older than 80,000 years (Issue 4)

VanLandingham on Calico
Click for Sam VanLandingham's Pleistocene Coalition page.

The First American ¯¯¯ Science will sometimes suppress what it doesn't understand

This website is based on the comprehensive volume by archaeologist, Christopher Hardaker, detailing the entire story of how a whole generation of science readers have been deliberately steered away from data that might confuse them regarding the aggressively-promoted paradigm of no-early-peoples in the Americas. Are you, as an objective thinker, concerned by those attempting to do your thinking for you? You should be. Hardaker's page also features updates on an American archaeological site deemed invalid by promoters of the above-mentioned paradigm though one taken seriously by famed anthropologist Louis Leakey. All in all, it is the data that matter. Rather than allowing yourself to be prodded along, take a look at the data and think for yourself. Keep in mind that if one piece of data (e.g., VanLandingham diatoms) establishes the reality of even a single early site, then the entire New World frontier will change in an instant. Hardaker is a founding member of the Pleistoecne Coalition.

THREE-PART SERIES: The abomination of Calico
- part one (Issue 6)
- part two (Issue 7)
- part three (Issue 8)
- Tributes to Sam VanLandingham and Dave McIntyre (Issue 22)
- Calico redux: Artifacts or geofacts: Original 2009 paper updated and serialized for PCN (Issue 24)
- Calico redux: Artifacts or geofacts Part 2: Original 2009 paper updated and serialized for PCN (Issue 26)
- Calico's "double-notched" blades from T-22 (Issue 30)
- Calico's only classic handaxe (Issue 31)
- The more things change ... (Issue 31)
- The most pertinent evidence goes ignored in recent Ohio History article about the "very first" Americans (Issue 31)
- Devastating: The Upper Paleolithic invasion of America (Issue 33)
- Bipolar corner (Issue 36)
- 18,500 BP, Monte Verde, Chile: " It's evidence we cannot ignore." (Issue 38)
- Pleistocene civilizations: Gobekli Tepe and Gunung Padang (Issue 40)
- A few words to the late Julian Hayden (Issue 43)
- The impossible puzzles of Valsequillo: A review of intelligence and deeds of pre-Modern humans, Introduction (Issue 45)
- The impossible puzzles of Valsequillo, Part 2: Homo tweener: Made in China, OR, Sex, and the single species (Issue 46)
- The "new" New World [Chapter 7 from The First American: The Suppressed Story of the People Who Discovered the Americas (2007)] (Issue 47)
- Now it's Monte Verde first? (Issue 48)
- On suppression (Issue 50)
- Posthumus quotation on lying and censorship in archaeology and anthropology (Issue 57)
- Relevant reprint series: Revisiting PCN #40, March-April 2016: Pleistocene civilizations: Gobekli Tepe and Gunung Padang (Issue 61)
- Chris Hardaker, Cerutti suppression quick excerpt (Issue 65)
- REPRINT: The "new" New World [Chapter 7 from The First American: The Suppressed Story of the People Who Discovered the Americas (2007)] (Issue 65)
- EXCERPT from: On Suppression [Issue #50] (Issue 66)
- Quote of Chris Hardaker and two artifacts from his Calico Lithics Photography Project (Issue 72)

Join us!




  • If you realize that human prehistory must have been far more complex than what you've been taught...

  • If you cannot reconcile an image of ancestors intelligent enough to create fire a million years ago, yet, for some reason, unable to speak or even to think as we do...

  • If you wonder whether or not to trust institutions that suppress empirical evidence while promoting an ideological agenda...

then you belong with us!

Eastern-Hemisphere_Export Wizard-1.gif389px-America-blank-map-01.svg.pngPLEISTOCENE COALITION MEMBERS (cont.)

Researchers with evidence challenging the standard view of early man as promoted by mainstream science

Paleo-camera ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ United States

The website of Matt Gatton. "Harsh climates in the Paleolithic era forced humans and their predecessors to adopt heat-retaining dwelling strategies, including the use of hide tents in cave mouths, under rock overhangs, and in the open. Small random holes in these hide tents would have coincidentally and occasionally formed camera obscuras, projecting moving images inside the dwelling spaces. These ghostly images carried with them spiritual, philosophical, and aesthetic implications."


Book chapter by Matt Gatton
- 2009. "First light: Inside the Palaeolithic camera obscura," in Acts of seeing: Artists, scientists, and the history of the visual

Recently-published proceedings paper:
- Gatton, M., L. Carreon, M. Cawein, W. Brock, V. Scott. 2010. The Camera Obscura and the Origin of Art: The Case for Image Projection in the Paleolithic. In Fidalgo C., and L. Oosterbeek (vol. eds.), Proceedings of the XV UISPP World Congress (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006) 35, BAR S2108, Oxford.

Articles in PC News:
Article in PC News #18, with Matt Gatton and Leah Cerreon
Paleo-camera updates

tn_Horse projection-Matt'sField Reconstructions-page[htopsequ]crop.jpg

Alan Cannell ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Brazil

International civil engineer and author of Throwing behaviour and the mass distribution of geological hand samples, hand grenades and Olduvian manuports.

Pleistocene Coalition webpage:

Slide show by Alan Cannell:

Articles in PC News:
- The next decade: What do you think will happen? (Issue 3)
- Deep roots of aesthetic design: Winklepickers and Phi (Issue 3)
- Phi, beauty, and the Neolithic (Issue 4)
- Chimps and bonobos: Gently putting the molecular clocks back (Issue 4)
- Google Earth as a support tool in paleoanthropology (Issue 5)
- Sexual selection in archaic populations: Were Neanderthals 'cute' in their own way? (Issue 6)
- How do you keep the wolf from the door when the door has yet to be invented? Chimpanzee/bonobo morphing (Issue 10)
- 'Mainstream' terminology: How to stay politically correct in these changing paleoanthropological times (Issue 15)
- Of wondrous cave art and smart mules (Issue 20)
- Atmospheric pressure, sea levels, and land temperatures during glacial maxima (Issue 23)
- Sex in the canyons: What a little moonlight can do (Issue 27)
- Alan Cannell mainstream publication by Virginia Steen-McIntyre (Issue 30)

Articles in PC News

PC News
8 & 9:


Click on the above image to go directly to Alan's paper on Throwing Behaviour.

Archives of Cultural Exchanges

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ United States

This website specializes in unexpected links between widely-separated cultures and civilizations. It offers a large database of evidence for early contact between cultures of the Old World and the New World long before the voyages of Columbus and others in the European "Age of Exploration." Its aim extends into prehistory.

Archaeological evidence for earlier contact than promoted by the mainstream science and historical communities includes appearance of new food crops, animals, calendars, religious practices, medical procedures, genetics, etc. The Archives' main focus is on early interaction between cultures located on opposite sides of the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans; i.e. between the Eastern Hemisphere and the Americas.

The website's moderators are Carl L. Johannessen, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus at the University of Oregon, Dept. of Geography; and John L. Sorenson, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus at Brigham Young University, Dept. of Anthropology. They are co-authors of the ground-breaking book,
World trade and biological exchanges before 1492 (2009). This comprehensive and rigorous volume was rejected for publication by mainstream presses and university presses alike. The blocking of evidence that does not adhere to mainstream views is a common problem for researchers who are challenging scientific dogma and is one of the primary reasons that the Pleistocene Coalition was formed.  

Johannessen's story in brief:
In the 1960's,
Dr. Johanessen began research into the domestication of plants and animals in Central America followed by investigations in the Himalayan region of Asia which were funded by grants from the National Science Foundation. Noticing the similarity of crops such as corn, beans, and squash which had not been observed before, Johannessen began to postulate that contact between cultures on opposite sides of the globe began long before the eras commonly taught. It was at this point that the grant money came to a halt. Johannessen suggests this happened because of mainstream allegiance to the idea of no early contact between the hemispheres and that sculptures depicting corn in East Indian temples, for example, that Johannessen provided as evidence could not possibly depict corn (See images at right and develop your own opinion). Despite these setbacks, like others in the Coalition, Johannessen and Sorenson (author of Pre-Columbian contact with the Americas across the oceans) continue to move forward with their research developing a compelling and expanding case for early contacts extending farther and farther back in time.

Related articles in PC News:

Above: Pre-Columbian
emple sculpture in India depicting a woman holding an ear of corn as a likely fertility symbol. "Maize breeders in India, China, United States, and Great Britain, who have seen extensive collections of the illustrations, concur...only sculptors with abundant ears of maize as models could have created these illustrations of maize" (Click to enlarge). Below: Similar sculpture at a different temple. Photos by Carl L. Johannessen.


Groups on the Edge ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ International

In the past several years not only have researchers battling suppression questioned the objectivity behind mainstream science and anthropology but so has an increasingly Internet-savvy general public. Online researchers are less inclined to simply trust science once they realize that a single ideology rather than scientific objectivity has been driving interpretations of evidence in areas as important as human origins or human prehistory. Prior to the Internet, the peer review system in anthropology so effectively blocked conflicting data from publication that the general public had no way of knowing that conflicting data even existed; it believed that mainstream science was giving them a true and balanced interpretation of all known evidence. However, the Internet has changed everything; more people are privy to the fact that dissenting evidence—awareness of which is an absolutely crucial part of critical thinking and objectivity—is being withheld in anthropology while selected evidence is being presented as unchallenged and in the context of what is increasingly being recognized as a belief system or worldview. As a response, more and more people have joined together to form discussion groups to weigh out the evidence for themselves, express doubts, and otherwise openly challenge proclemations in anthropology presented as science that would never pass as science in any other field. This page will contain links to various such groups. It should make no difference to readers whether these groups are motivated by science alone or contain members whose concerns include religions or philosophies. What matters, and what skeptics should pay attention to, is that these groups have mounting empirical reasons to doubt the veracity and objectivity of what is presented to them as fact by mainstream science. In one way or another, groups of this nature support a premise of the Pleistocene Coalition that mainstream scientific behaviors such as suppression of conflicting data need to be fought, that is, unless we are all content to become puppets of an international belief system presented as science yet which is somehow immune to the standard scientific requirement of testability in real time. IMPORTANT NOTE: Most of these groups feature regular contributions by mainstream scientists though these contributors, for obvious reasons, often write under the safety of anonimity via avatar or nicknames. It is likely that many of these scholars will come out publicly when the paradigm changes and the evidence begins to be weighed in an equitable manner.

Jörn Greve ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Germany

"There has to be stated a continuous line showing how ethnocentristic our scientific view is focussed and thereby rejecting our ancestors like the Neandertals as being only another aberration and not at all a part of our ancestral line." -Jörn Greve, PD, MD, neurologist, author "Pre-Symbolic Interaction and the Palaeo-Ecology of Religion."

Pleistocene Coalition webpage:

Articles in PC News:
- Diversity not Darwinism, Jörn Greve, Gerhard Neuhäuser (Issue 2)
- Does symbolism represent progress? Jörn Greve, Lutz Fiedler (Issue 2)
- Ardi and Ida: On their way - not only out of Africa, Jörn Greve, Gerhard Neuhäuser (Issue 4)
- Determinants of human development - exemplified by Homo floresiensis, Jörn Greve, Gerhard Neuhäuser (Issue 6)
- Approaching prehistoric "art" by socio-systemic dating of the Cussac Cave engravings, Jörn Greve and Gerhard Neuhäuser (Issue 10)
- Which factors could have caused the expansion of Modern Man - impact, hazard or transition? Jörn Greve and Gerhard Neuhäuser (Issue 13)
- An objective reassessment of "Evo-Devo" and selection theory,Jörn Greve and Gerhard Neuhäuser (Issue 19)
- Pre-symbolic interaction and the paleo-ecology of religion, Part 1,Jörn Greve and Gerhard Neuhäuser (Issue 26)
- Pre-symbolic interaction and the paleo-ecology of religion, Part 2,Jörn Greve and Gerhard Neuhäuser (Issue 27)
Neanderthal range in Europe and the Middle East charted by Ryulang

Gerhard Neuhäuser

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Germany

Department of Pediatrics, Neurology (retired), Justus-Liebig-University in Giessen. Head of Child Neurology and Social Pediatrics, 1978-2001. Professor Neuhauser is especially interested in developmental problems and neurobiology of behavior.

Pleistocene Coalition webpage:

Articles in PC News:
- Diversity not Darwinism, Jörn Greve, Gerhard Neuhäuser (Issue 2)
- Ardi and Ida: On their way - not only out of Africa, Jörn Greve, Gerhard Neuhäuser (Issue 4)
- Determinants of human developoment - exemplified by Homo floresiensis, Jörn Greve and Gerhard Neuhäuser (Issue 6)
- Approaching prehistoric "art" by socio-systemic dating of the Cussac Cave engravings, Jörn Greve and Gerhard Neuhäuser (Issue 10)
- Which factors could have caused the expansion of Modern Man - impact, hazard or transition? Jörn Greve and Gerhard Neuhäuser (Issue 13)
Greve and Gerhard Neuhäuser (Issue 13)
- An objective reassessment of "Evo-Devo" and selection theory,Jörn Greve and Gerhard Neuhäuser (Issue 19)
- Pre-symbolic interaction and the paleo-ecology of religion, Part 1,Jörn Greve and Gerhard Neuhäuser (Issue 26)
- Pre-symbolic interaction and the paleo-ecology of religion, Part 2,Jörn Greve and Gerhard Neuhäuser (Issue 27)

Beth McCormack

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ United States

Beth McCormack's background and interests are diverse. She did her dissertation (
M.A. Univ. of Reading, UK) on altered states of consciousness and is interested in Lower Palaeolithic societies as well as exploring the union of art and science. McCormack has studied data from Lower Palaeolithic sites such as Bilzingsleben and applied ideas formulated by those studies to the prehistoric passage graves of Wales and Ireland. Also influencing McCormack's approach to archaeology is a strong background in music. She is currently studying Neanderthal musical culture as well as Palaeolithic campsites. McCormack is project manager and editor for a U. S. archaeological company.

Pleistocene Coalition webpage:

Articles in PC News:


Paulette Steeves ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ United States

Paulette Steeves is a Graduate student and PhD candidate at Binghamton University, New York, under the Clifford D. Clark Fellowship program, 2008-2013, with technical training in molecular anthropology and archaeology. Steeves is First Nations Cree. She was born in the Yukon Territories, Canada, and grew up among the very traditional Salish people of British Columbia. Steeves' website, which is in process, will feature a comprehensive database of nearly 500 archaeological sites in the Americas dating as far back as several hundred thousand years. The database will incorporate not only well-known sites excavated from a European mindset but sites known foremost to indigenous American peoples. The website will also feature plotted maps, migration routes, and sea-level charts in time zones such as 20-40,000 years ago as well as evidence of 60,000 playa lakes in what is now desert area of the U. S. Western plains.


About Paulette Steeves:
- Book review [The Indigenous Paleolithic of the Western Hemisphere] by Tom Baldwin (Issue 80)
Eds. note: A success of the PC John Feliks (Issue 80)

Lutz Fiedler ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Germany

State archaeologist, Hesse, Germany. Fiedler is the discoverer of the early Stone Age (Acheulian) figurine known as the "Venus of Tan-Tan" which is regarded as one of the earliest examples of sculpture in archaeology. It was found
during excavations on the north bank of the River Draa in Morocco right next to Acheulian handaxes between undisturbed layers dated 300,000-500,000 years old. Fiedler is not averse to questioning the tenets of mainstream archaeology and has even gone so far as to question the emphasis and importance typically placed upon symbolism as a sign of advanced human behavior.

Pleistocene Coalition webpage:

Articles in PC News:


Decoding Design ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ United States

Maggie Macnab is an international award-winning graphic designer, author and educator with a career spanning several decades. Her work has received top honors throughout her career and has been recognized by leading design publications such as Communication Arts, Print, and Step-by-Step, as well as by organizations such as the Art Directors Club of New York and AIGA (American Institute of Graphics Arts). Macnab has taught design theory in the Digital Arts Program at the University of New Mexico since 1997 and for the Santa Fe University of Art and Design and is also past president of the Communication Artists of New Mexico. Apart from speaking at conferences, she leads workshops on creativity. Macnab is the author of two leading design books, Decoding Design: Understanding and Using Symbols in Visual Communication (2008) - which has won awards and accolades - and, Design by Nature: Using Universal Forms and Principals in Design (2012), each of which have been translated into Chinese, Korean and Spanish. Macnab is also a lecturer in the popular TEDx program (ideas worth spreading).

Macnab's research revolves around creative problem-solving and links between artistic expression and nature. She traces cultural iconography back to origins in the natural world. Macnab's perspective and scientific approach to the roots of design were influenced by a unique childhood background. Her mother was an architect with John Gaw Meem. Macnab's father, a poet and writing teacher at the Institute of American Indian Arts, encouraged her interest in nature and creativity early on by giving her a microscope and reading her science fiction shorts as bedtime stories. He also taught her how to observe and draw nature, taking Macnab camping by horseback in the high deserts of New Mexico including places such as Chaco Canyon, the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Puye Cliffs, and the Santa Fe River on Upper Canyon Road, as well as Big Bend National Park in Texas.

Macnab  left school at sixteen and is for the most part self taught.

Amazon reviews:

"I would rank this book as the top design book of the decade." -on Decoding Design

"[Macnab] weaves together a persuasive narrative to support the premise that 'The appreciation of beauty is universal' and that in almost all instances, human design ingenuity can be traced to 'natural' roots." -on Design by Nature

"This book will appeal to anyone interested in understanding our species' deep connections to nature." -on Design by Nature


Articles in PC News:


The Cosmic Tusk

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ United States

Subtitle: Abrupt climate change induced by comets and asteroids during human history
. This is the website and blog of George Howard, BA, Political Science, co-author of the Firestone et al paper, Evidence for an extraterrestrial impact 12,900 years ago that contributed to the megafaunal extinctions and the Younger Dryas cooling, PNAS, 2007. The full paper is available free online.

Howard is an expert on the phenomena known as Carolina Bays including field work and analysis and has also produced several posters on the topic. (Carolina Bays are large oval impressions ranging in size from one to several thousand acres which are found in the Atlantic seaboard states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, and Florida. There are as many as 500,000 Carolina Bays which, for the most part, are all aligned in exactly the same direction.) Howard's blog investigates the Bays and other impact-related phenomena (both proven and unproven) with a focus on the proposed Younger Dryas Event. Howard's background also includes six years as a political staffer in the U.S. Senate as well as being actively involved in the restoration of natural habitats.

Articles in PC News:
Digital elevation map centered on Rex, North Carolina (Robeson County). showing extent of the Carolina Bays in this single 600 sq. km region. Click on the zoomable image to see the remarkable phenomenon of Carolina bays.

Michael Cremo
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ United States

Michael A. Cremo is a long-time researcher on the topic of human origins and human antiquity. He is best known for his comprehensive volume, Forbidden Archeology (which he co-authored with the late Richard Thompson, Ph.D, Mathematics), and its follow-up, The Hidden History of the Human Race (The Condensed Edition of Forbidden Archeology), as well as for the controversial television special, The Mysterious Origins of Man, hosted by Charlton Heston. His most recent book is The Forbidden Archeologist: The Atlantis Rising Magazine Columns of Michael A. Cremo. Cremo has also been featured in the Ancient Aliens television series now in its fourteenth season.

Pleistocene Coalition webpage:


Articles in PC News:

Chantal Jègues-Wolkiewiez ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ France

Chantal Jègues-Wolkiewiez, Ph.D, Anthropology, M.A. Psychology, Ethno-astronomy, is a long-time Paleolithic researcher who received her doctorate with special honors and congratulations of the Jury. She has specialized in the time-keeping and astronomical capabilities of the people of Lascaux Cave in France.

Jègues-Wolkiewiez' first book, sur les chemins étoilés de Lascaux, presents in a fictional setting her theories about the astronomical knowledge and knowledge of space and time of the people of Lascaux Cave in France. See Blog la table d’Hermes for a review with excerpts in French. The book—in a way similar to Tom Baldwin’s, The Evening and the Morning—challenges the standard view of our ancestors making their abilities and sentiments, not unlike our own, the foundation rather than limitations as taught by mainstream science.

Articles in PC News:

Classic British Archaeology ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ USA/UK

This is the ongoing research project of Richard Dullum and Kevin Lynch focusing on early British archaeology. Their research includes locating rare historical documents and important artifacts presently known only from the literature, as well as the physical locations of important long-forgotten archaeological sites. 

Dullum is a surgical R.N. working in a large O.R. for the past 30 years as well as a long-time researcher in early human culture. He is also a Vietnam vet with a degree in biology.

Lynch is a retired British businessman, archivist and member of the Prehistoric Society of Britain. He lives in Suffolk, UK, at Walton-on-the-Naze near the largest exposed cliffs of the Red Crag Formation. Lynch's specialty is British archaeology of the late 19th and early 20th centuries concentrating on the life and works of J. Reid Moir (pictured at right).

Articles in PC News:
- Ancient tools of the Crag, Part 2, Richard Dullum and Kevin Lynch (Issue 14)
- Ancient tools of the Crag, Part 3, Richard Dullum and Kevin Lynch (Issue 14)
Who was Red Crag Man? Richard Dullum (Issue 16)
James Reid-Moir's Darmsden legacy, Kevin Lynch and Richard Dullum (Issue 18)
BOOK REVIEW: My science, my religion; Academic papers (1994=2009) by Michael A. CremoRichard Dullum (Issue 21)
Darmsden Pit: at the edge of British archaeology, Kevin Lynch and Richard Dullum (Issue 22)
- James Reid-Moir was right on track 100 years ago proven by 850,000-year old footprints recently discovered in Happisburgh, Norfolk, U.K., Richard Dullum and Kevin Lynch (Issue 28)
- James Reid-Moir FRS, 1879-1944, Kevin Lynch and Richard Dullum (Issue 29)
- Researchers Kevin Lynch and Richard Dullum bringing a forgotten hero of archaeology back into public awareness, Member news and other info (Issue 30)
- The Ipswich Skeleton: a possible link to Happisburgh, Richard Dullum and Kevin Lynch (Issue 31)
- Reclaiming ancient man in East Anglia: A homage to James Reid-Moir’s foresight in light of recent finds in Norfolk, U.K., and Lake Turkana, Kenya, Richard Dullum and Kevin Lynch (Issue 34)

- BOOK REVIEW: Darwin's Doubt, by Stephen C. Meyer, Richard Dullum (Issue 35)
- Happisburgh implements: Today, Kevin Lynch and Richard Dullum (Issue 36)
- Following Moir along the Norfolk coast at West Runton and Cromer, Kevin Lynch and Richard Dullum (Issue 38)
- A lithic site at West Runton, Norfolk, Kevin Lynch and Richard Dullum (Issue 39)
- The repeatability factor of Moir's discoveries Richard Dullum and Kevin Lynch (Issue 40)
- Smithsonian challenged at traveling exhibit, "Exploring Human Origins," Richard Dullum (Issue 41)
- 1.84 million-year old "modern human" bone being promoted as "not" H. sapiens, Richard Dullum (Issue 42)
- Lithics and relics of East Anglia, U.K., Part 1, Kevin Lynch and Richard Dullum (Issue 43)
- Lithics and relics of East Anglia, U.K., Part 2: a.) Perforated flint, b.) Bone implement, Kevin Lynch and Richard Dullum (Issue 44)
- Lithics and relics of East Anglia, U.K., Part 3: I should collect stamps! Kevin Lynch and Richard Dullum (Issue 45)
- Hand axes dredged up on North Essex beach and who might have made them Richard Dullum and Kevin Lynch (Issue 48)
- Hand axes dredged up on North Essex beach and who might have made them, Part 2 Richard Dullum and Kevin Lynch (Issue 49)
- Archaeological research: A personal journey Richard Dullum (Issue 53)
- I turn detective to hunt down Reid-Moir's lost trunk Kevin Lynch (Issue 53)
- ESR finds conclude that Homo antecessor from Atapuerca, Spain, is nearly 1 MYa old: Its relevance to pre-Ice Age people in Britain Richard Dullum (Issue 54)
- Following the science wherever it might lead Richard Dullum (Issue 56)
- Relevant reprint: 1.84 million-year old "modern human" bone being promoted as "not" H. sapiens, Richard Dullum (Issue 57)
- 8 proofs the 'ships not seen' effect causes scientific error in anthropology, biology, and paleontology Compilation of observations by Tom Baldwin, Richard Dullum, John Feliks and Dr. Virginia Steen-McIntyre (Issue 65)
- ESR finds conclude that Homo antecessor from Atapuerca, Spain, is nearly 1 MYa old: Its relevance to pre-Ice Age people in Britain
- Benjamin Harrison, of Ightham (1837–1921), and his central role in the eolithic controversy
Richard Dullum (Issue 75)
- Benjamin Harrison, of Ightham, Part 2: More about Kent than meets the eye Richard Dullum (Issue 76)
- Benjamin Harrison, of Ightham, Part 3: Teaming up with Prestwich: Beginning of the Eolith Debate Richard Dullum (Issue 77)
- Benjamin Harrison, of Ightham, Part 4: Prestwich's argument for the Kent Plateau eoliths' artificiality, 18891892 Richard Dullum (Issue 78)
- Benjamin Harrison, of Ightham, Part 5: The Eolithic debate: How it started in England and its impact on prehistory Richard Dullum (Issue 80)
- Benjamin Harrison, of Ightham, Part 6: Harrison's reputation spreads as debate over eoliths continues Richard Dullum (Issue 81)
- Benjamin Harrison, of Ightham, Part 7: Harrison challenged! Criticism ensues over eoliths' artificiality Richard Dullum (Issue 82)
- Montana megaliths, Part 1 Richard Dullum (Issue 83)
- Montana megaliths, Part 2: Our curious past Richard Dullum (Issue 84)
- Montana megaliths, Part 3: A closer look at Sage Wall and Tizer Dolmen Richard Dullum and Sean Harasymchuk (Issue 85)
- Montana megaliths, Part 4: The clearly non-natural features of Sage Wall and Tizer Dolmen Richard Dullum and Michael Collins (Issue 86)
- Montana megaliths, Part 5 Richard Dullum and Sean Harasymchuk (Issue 87)
- Montana megaliths, Part 6: Compelling evidence at Sage Wall and related enigmas Richard Dullum, Christopher Borton and Michael Collins (Issue 88)
- Three objects suggesting Native American imagery with two from the earlier days of less-dogmatic archaeology Richard Dullum (Issue 89)
- More baffling 'megalithic' evidence in North America and beyond: Part 1, Austin 'cart ruts' Richard Dullum and Michael Collins (Issue 89)
Three objects suggesting Native American imagery, Part 2: You can't hide the Nampa figurine Richard Dullum (Issue 90)
tn_james reid moir[fromV_7-8-11]contrast+20.jpg

New DVDs: Marshall Payn/Bill Cote ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ United States

Valsequillo: An Archaeological Enigma

Length: 2 hours 20 minutes including the director’s new 30-minute final section

Description: This is what we call the ‘Academic Version.’ It tells the story with more emphasis on the science and more detail given to the tests and scientific explanations and arguments.

New Evidence of Early Man: SUPPRESSED

Length: 84 minutes plus
a BONUS Disc (disc 2) which contains over 1 1/2 hours of all new material including interviews with Virginia Steen-McIntyre, Hal Malde, Mike Waters, Neil Steede and Marshall Payn, as well as photos, charts and illustrations.
Description: This is what we call the ‘Broadcast Version.’ It simplifies the science and tells the story in a way best suited for the non-scientific viewer. It's a bit more sensational than the Academic Version.

The DVDs can be ordered direct from BC Video (below). See Bill Cote's update in Issue #19 of Pleistocene Coalition News for details.

Marshall Payn is a mechanical engineering graduate from M.I.T., and 30-year veteran of archaeological research. Among many other accomplishments and pursuits, Payn is the owner of 23 businesses; an author, songwriter, deep-sea fishing champion, and pilot as well as an award-winning documentary film producer with films on a variety of topics including Hueyatlaco, alternative medicine, and early Christianity.

Bill Cote is a documentary filmmaker producing popular television specials such as the Emmy-winning film, The Mystery of the Sphinx (1993) and The Mysterious Origins of Man (1996), each hosted by Charlton Heston. The latter film was the first time the public at large had heard about Hueyatlaco and the story of Virginia Steen-McIntyre (although these had been introduced to the academic community in Michael Cremo’s and Richard Thompson’s controversial book, Forbidden Archeology, 1993). In addition to a 2007 update of The Mystery of the Sphinx, Cote's most recent films on the topic of early man are Valsequillo: An Archaeological Enigma and New Evidence of Early Man: SUPPRESSED.

Update on the YouTube film, SUPPRESSED New Evidence of Early Man:


Articles in PC News:


Babel's Dawn ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ United States

The website of Edmund Blair Bolles, author of Einstein Defiant, Galileo's Commandment, and The Ice Finders: How a Poet, a Professor, and a Politician Discovered the Ice Age. Babel's Dawn is a highly-rated blog about the origins of speech. DISCUSSION FORUM


Patagonian Monsters ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Argentina

The website of Austin Whittall, engineer,
Vicente López, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and author of Patagonian Monsters: A guide to Patagonia's mythical (and real) monsters and legendary beasts (in press). Whittall's  blog contains a fascinating array of postings not only related to the field of cryptozoology but also about the past history of humankind and all manner of anomalies and enigmas.
Patagonia has always bewitched me with its incredible beauty, its vast solitude and its mysteries. This blog reflects my love for this, the most beautiful place in the whole world.
La Patagonia me ha hechizado desde siempre con su increíble belleza, su vasta soledad y sus misterios. Este blog refleja mi amor por el lugar más hermoso de todo el mundo.

DreamRaiser project ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Australia / Croatia

Vesna Tenodi

- Mungo Man and Kow Swamp: different roots (Issue 18)
- Wanjina & Bradshaw-style rock art in other parts of the world (Issue 19)
- Wanjinas now - Contemporary artists reviving pre-Aboriginal Australian rock art (Issue 20)
- Forbidden art and politicized archaeology (Issue 21)
- Problems in Australian art and archaeology (Issue 22)
- A renaissance in Neanderthal studies (Issue 23)
- Neanderthal-Denisovan-Aboriginal DNA connection (Issue 24)
- Open letter to Svante Pääbo and the Max Planck Institute (Issue 25)
- Contrasting Georgia's handling of Nomo georgicus with Australian archaeology (Issue 26)
- Brain matters (Issue 27)
- Brain matters, Part 2 (Issue 28)
- Brain matters, Part 3: What determines intelligence (Issue 29)
- Brain matters, Part 4: Open mind versus closed mind - The view from Australia (Issue 29)
- Report from Croatia: Vesna Tenodi's controversial 'dreamtime' sculpture moved 10,000 miles, Member news and other info (Issue 30)
- Australian archaeological paradox: Did Homo erectus linger here? (Issue 30)
- Australian past, present, and future - Part 1 (Issue 31)
- Australian past, present, and future - Part 2 (Issue 32)
- Decoding the messages of pre-Aboriginal rock art - Part 1 (Issue 33)
- Decoding the messages of pre-Aboriginal rock art - Part 2 (Issue 34)
- Decoding the messages of pre-Aboriginal rock art - Part 3 (Issue 35)
- Australian archaeology, art, and politics intertwined (Issue 36)
Global perspective on Australian archaeology (Issue 37)
- Pleistocene underground, Part 1 (Issue 38)
- Pleistocene underground, Part 2 (Issue 39)
- Pleistocene underground, Part 3 (Issue 40)
- From Stone Age to Space Age, Part 1 (Issue 41)
- From Stone Age to Space Age, Part 2 (Issue 42)
- From Stone Age to Space Age, Part 3 (Issue 43)
- From Stone Age to Space Age, Part 4 (Issue 44)
- Australia─where telling the truth and helping the tribes is seen as "just another form of invasion" (Issue 45)
- Australia─where telling the truth and helping the tribes is seen as "just another form of invasion," Part 2 (Issue 46)
- Two perplexing big news items: 1.) The Balkans - Cradle of humanity? 2.) Australian Madjedbebe -  find of the century? (Issue 48)
- Lost World found again (Issue 49)
- Aboriginal industry dictatorship and Australian archaeology (Issue 50)
- Reconstructed face of a Stone Age woman unveiled in Greece would be forbidden in Australia (Issue 51)
- On the upcoming NeanderART Conference: A call for ethical and scientific accountability (Issue 52)
- Federal Inquiry into Aboriginal-style art (Issue 52)
- The circles of evil (Issue 53)
- Submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry (Issue 53)
- Mungo Lady and Mungo Man - what really happened with the Australian prehistoric skeletons, Part 1 (Issue 54)
- A society of sycophants and hypocrites (Issue 55)
- Mungo Lady and Mungo Man - what really happened with the Australian prehistoric skeletons, Part 2 (Issue 55)
- Aboriginal Paleolithic artifacts explained (Issue 56)
- Aboriginal Paleolithic paintings explained (Issue 57)
- Disproved claims of ancient art copyright leads to invention of Australian Newspeak (Issue 58)
- Personal update (Issue 59)
- Understanding Australian prehistory accurately depends on honest non-politicized research (Issue 61)
- Fradulent prehistory continues to be supported by Australia's mainstream (Issue 63)
- Cannibalism in Paleolithic/Neolithic Europe and beyond (Issue 63)

Adrienne Mayor ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ United States

Author of Fossil Legends of the First Americans, The First Fossil Hunters, and many other publications including military history. Mayor's broad-scoped research has been featured on NPR, the BBC, and the History Channel as well as in The New York Times and National Geographic. In addition to researching classical Greek and Roman literature, Mayor also writes about other "'pre-scientific' myths" and parallels to modern scientific methods.


The Lost Way of Stones ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ United States

The Lost Way of Stones is one of the website projects of Joel Weishaus. Weishaus is a writer, literary artist and sculptor, art and literary critic, and editor, as well as Visiting Faculty in Portland State University's Department of English; Portland, Oregon. Over the past thirty years, Weishaus has published books, poems, and essays, along with exhibiting his literary texts in museums. He also reviews poetry and poetics for several newspapers and journals. His online work is hosted by three universities.

Among many articles and books, Weishaus wrote the Introduction and Notes for Thomas Merton's, Woods, Shore, Desert.
Weishaus' most recent book, The Healing Spirit of Haiku, was co-authored with Jungian psychiatrist, David H. Rosen, McMillan Professor of Analytical Psychology and Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science at Texas A&M University.

Here are a few quotations from The Lost Way of Stones which Weishaus uses as a portal to muse on Palaeolithic peoples and times:

"The Lost Way of Stones is built around indigenous rock art found in Southern California, including that of the Chumash Indians who lived mainly along the Santa Barbara Channel; and art made by Shoshonean peoples that is located on the Naval Air Weapons Station, near Death Valley, CA., where, contrasting human creativity with its destructive shadow, it is 'one of the most spectacular concentrations of rock art sites in North America.'"

"My interest in Amerindian rock art began during a residency at the University of New Mexico's Center for Southwest Research. Cataloging slides of rock art of American Southwest also whet my interest in Aurignacian cave art."

"Archaeologist Paul Bahn writes that 'it was the process of journeying to a location and leaving an image there which counted, rather than the image itself, its appearance, degree of completeness, or durability.' However, I would argue that journey and images are entangled in an uncanny web of continuity."

"Christine Finn wrote that 'a poetic interpretation of archaeology—and by that I mean one that moves into the metaphysical to consider the essence of a "thing"—should be included in the armory of interpretative tools available to the archaeologist.'"

"No matter where we are or when, 'a whole mythology is deposited in our language,' recalling our past as present in the depths of a collective imagination."


Rain Taxi 2010 interview:

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Example of Weishaus' superimposition imagery from The Lost Way of Stones the text of which consists of many layers of quotations (or quotes within quotes) to create a similar 'palimpsest' effect only in a literary medium.

Luann Udell ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ United States

Luann Udell is a nationally-exhibited artist and writer with a B.A. in art history and an M.A. in education. Her article in Pleistocene Coalition News #9 tells the intriguing story of how she went from the young dream of being an artist to art history and academia and then back to the dream of being an artist again only this time it struck the chord after being inspired by slide projections of Lascaux Cave.

"A girl can dream, and so I did. If there was no place in art history for me, then I would invent one. I'd start with Lascaux, move on to ancient Egypt and then maybe hit the Bayeux tapestry. But it didn't happen that way. I began with the Lascaux Cave ... and never left. I had no idea I was entering a whole new life, one filled with imagination, story telling and passion." -Stories from the cave


Articles in PC News:


Tom Baldwin ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ United States

Tom Baldwin is an award-winning author, educator, and amateur archaeologist living in Utah. He has also worked as a successful newspaper columnist. Baldwin has been actively involved with the Friends of Calico (maintaining the controversial Early Man Site in Barstow, California) since the early days when famed anthropologist Louis Leakey was the site's excavation Director. Calico is the only site in the Western Hemisphere which was excavated by Leakey.

Baldwin's recent book, The Evening and the Morning, is an entertaining fictional story based on the true story of Calico Early Man Site. Along with Ice Age adventure stretching from Central Asia to North America, the book touches on many levels including Native American mysticism and a "critical look at the scientific establishment." The setting takes place in two time periods simultaneously, the modern day and a much earlier age 185,000 years ago.

Along with Virginia Steen-McIntyre and David Campbell, Baldwin is one of the core editors of Pleistocene Coalition News.

Articles in PC News:
- Lake Manix The dried lake bed of Pleistocene-age Lake Manix in California; Photograph by Tom Baldwin (Issue 3)
- Reassessing American archaeology: The legacy of Professor George F. Carter (Issue 12)
Breaking the Clovis barrier (Issue 16)
- Paleo-camera at home (Issue 18)
- Calico Early Man Site: Layers and reminiscences, a 4-decade personal history (Issue 21)
- The Pleistocene's most well-traveled creature (Issue 24)
- Observations on the Paleoamerican Odyssey Conference, Santa Fe, 2013 (Issue 26)
- A celebratory dance (Issue 27)
- Nature doesn't make artifacts! (Issue 27)
- Forgotten heroes of archaeology series: Dr. George Francis Carter, 1912-2004 (Issue 30)
- Dee Simpson and Louis Leakey and the beginnings of the Calico Early Man Site (Issue 31)
- Louis Leakey's view on indigenous languages and age of the earliest Americans (Issue 31)
- On the way to Calico's 50th (Issue 32)
- Dee Simpson's story on the start-up of Calico (Issue 32)
- The first artist: Comparing Blombos with an artifact dated half a million years older (Issue 33)
- The art of hunting (Issue 33)
- Denisovan bracelet: Advanced technological skills in early human groups is still resisted (Issue 35)
- "To be or not to be?" That is the question. (Issue 35)
- Let's take another look at Bilzingsleben (Issue 36)
- Early man and the sea (Issue 37)
- Upcoming Calico report (Issue 41)
- 16,000-year old artifacts discovered at Gault site, Texas (Issue 42)
- A nostalgic return to Calico (Issue 42)
- Those pesky Denisovans (Issue 43)
- The romance and prehistory of Lake Manix (Issue 46)
- Comment on the March 8, 2017 Issue of Nature regarding Neandertal dentition
(Issue 46)
- The Pleistocene version of a multi-use tool (Issue 47)
- Note on amateur group, Friends of Calico, that preserved Calico Early Man Site before denigration by money-hungry 'professionals' (Issue 49)
- Update and review of 'modern level' Denisovan culture c. 40-50,000 years ago (Issue 50)
- Is it an artifact? (Issue 51)
- Member news: Calico Early Man Site YouTube tour and links to PCN Calico articles (Issue 52)
- PCN relevant reprint series: The first artist: Comparing Blombos with an artifact dated half a million years older (Issue 52)
- Dissussion with Jim Harrod, PhD, about the Berekhat Ram object and H. erectus engravings from Trinil, Indonesia (Issue 53)
- The Lost and Found Department: The importance of bringing fresh eyes to buried-away archaeological evidence (Issue 55)
- Scientific implications of the 500,000-year old Indonesian engraved shell (Issue 56)
- Human compassion and empathy: How far back do they go? (Issue 57)
- Proposing a Pleistocene habitation gap in the Americas (Issue 58)
- Denisova Cave, Siberia: Art, craftsmanship, and telling DNA (Issue 60)
- Denisovan news: Keeping these remarkable though enigmatic people up front (Issue 62)
- Early man and multi-use tools (Issue 64)
- Compelling new evidence Neanderthals were smarter than you think (Issue 65)
- Tom Baldwin's new report on the humanity of Neanderthals [added note by Layout editor] (Issue 65)5)
- 8 proofs the 'ships not seen' effect causes scientific error in anthropology, biology, and paleontology Compilation of observations by Tom Baldwin, Richard Dullum, John Feliks and Dr. Virginia Steen-McIntyre (Issue 65)
- Religion and art in mankind (Issue 67)
- The fittest creatures, the innovators, the survivors - not necessarily the same (Issue 70)
- The fittest creatures, the innovators, the survivors - not necessarily the same, Part 2: Humanity, religion, evidence (Issue 71)
- Calico Early Man Site - a personal journey (Issue 72)
- Paleolithic 'outsider art' - Children arranging imprints (Issue 73)
- What makes archaeology science? (Issue 74)
- The pros & cons of a natural Paleolithic remedy for intestinal parasites (Issue 75)
- REPRINT: Breaking the Clovis barrier [Reprint Issue #23] (Issue 75)
- Some thoughts on Upper Paleolithic female depictions (Issue 76)
- Changing views of early man (Issue 77)
- The value of evidence in Paleolithic anthropology -citing Tom Baldwin Homo erectus shell engraving (Issue 78)
- Denisovan savants? (Issue 79)
- Book review [The Indigenous Paleolithic of the Western Hemisphere by Paulette Steeves] (Issue 80)
- Another coffin nail in Clovis' casket (Issue 81)
- REPRINT: The Pleistocene's most well-traveled creature [Reprint Issue #24] (Issue 82)
- The Pleistocene's most well-traveled creature: Taking another look [Revised from Issue #82] (Issue 84)
- What does it take to be considered "human"? Excitement and caution regarding Rising Star Cave (Issue 85)
- Reflections on the Bering Land Bridge megafauna superhighway (Issue 87)
- Homo erectus - the original woodworker (Issue 88)
- Archaeology's forceful methods and resulting errors (Issue 90)
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Louis Leakey 1970 Calico talk ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ United States

- Reviving the Calico of Louis Leakey, part 3: Audio clips from Leakey's 1970 Calico talk (Issue 39)

NOTE TO READERS: Depending upon your computer configuration the Leakey audio clips may not play back while the PCN issue is viewed online. In such a case, simply download the issue (PDF file) to your desktop, and hopefully the clips will then play back.


Michael Winkler ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ United States

Michael Winkler is a palaeolithic theorist and conceptual installation artist. In addition to being featured in art journals such as Rampike Magazine and in books such as Imagining Language (Rasula & McCaffery, MIT Press, 1998), Winkler's work is also part of the permanent collections in various art and literary institutions in the U.S. and abroad such as the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; the Library of The Museum of Modern Art, New York; the Hans Sohm Archive at the Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart, Germany; the King Stephen Museum, Hungary; and the National Institute of Design, in India.

Recent exhibitions include: Alignments, an installation at Galeria AT, Academy of Fine Art, Poznan, Poland; a large-scale wall installation in Poetic Positions at the Kassel Art Museum in Germany; and a 20-year survey at the Rosenwald Gallery, Van Pelt-Dietrich Center, University of Pennsylvania (image lower right).

On Imagining Language: "What Rasula and McCaffery have accomplished is to put together an astonishing and unprecedented assemblage of the multiple ways in which language has been used or been conceptualized in relation to reality. Imagining Language is a continuous revelation." -Jerome Rothenberg, Professor of Visual Arts and Literature, University of California, San Diego

Website and upcoming new books:

Articles in PC News:

Updates in PC News:

Anarchaeology ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ United States

David Campbell is an author/historian and an investigator of geological or manmade altered stone anomalies or large natural structures which may have been used by early Americans. He also has a working knowledge of various issues regarding the peopling of the Americas. Along with Virginia Steen-McIntyre and Tom Baldwin, Campbell is one of the core editors of Pleistocene Coalition News.


Articles in PC News:
- Anomalies: An example of 'palaeo-smarts 350,000 years ago, by Ishtar Babilu Dingir and David Campbell (Issue 1)
- A case of the 'limited hangout', by David Campbell (Issue 2)
- Solutrean Solutions: Goodman's American Genesis ahead of the game, (Issue 19)
- Heads up on the Trinity (the Malakoff heads) (Issue 20)
- Old North Texas sites revisited) (Issue 26)
- Forgotten heroes of archaeology series: Emma Lou Davis, Mojave maverick, 1905-1988 (Issue 31)
- A stone carpet twixt seas of sand (Issue 36)
- Forgotten heroes of archaeology series: Cyrus the Great: Cyrus Newton Ray 1880-1966 (Issue 37)
- The Brownwood Skull (Issue 38)
- Gobekli legacy (Issue 41)
- Regarding postscript to Gimbutas (Issue 43)
- Paleolithic Polyphemus: A review (Issue 45)
- The levee breaks (Issue 47)
- Up from 'arrahead' hunter (Issue 49)
- Familiarity breeds content (Issue 50)
- PCN perspectives on the "First Sculpture: Handaxe to Figure Stone" exhibit in Dallas, Texas (Issue 51)
- Walking in Nasher (Issue 52)
- EXCERPT from: The levee breaks [Issue 47] (Issue 66)

Raghubir S. Thakur
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ India

Captain Raghubir S. Thakur (June 1948 - November 2020), MA History, was an ex-Army officer (Gazetted) with his last role being Consultant for Security and Land Management for the Archaeological Survey of India under the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Government of India. His responsibilities included protecting National Government-listed Heritage properties including World Heritage monuments. The Security Cell was formulated and created by Thakur’s persuasion of every Director General of the ASI for over 19 years. Over the years, Thakur gained a broad knowledge of rock art sites in the region being first to discover and document rock art in Delhi. Thakur participated in 10 international archaeological and environmental conferences (1990–2012) presenting papers in India, Sweden, and Japan. He was Organizing Sec. of the Asian Conference on Air Pollution (1999). Thakur’s most recent presentation was at the Joint Annual Conference of IAS, ISPQS, and IHCS (2015). Among others, Thakur is associated with the discovery of an Upper Paleolithic site near Ellora Caves (1992), megalithic menhirs Western Rajasthan (1997), cup-marks Siroli Dongari/Chhattisgarh (2007), and nearly 100 cup-mark/petroglyph sites Delhi-Aravallis mountain range (2013–15).

Articles in PC News:

- Petroglyphs in Delhi-Aravallis-System, India: Vivid creations by early man, an introduction (Issue 39)
- Petroglyphs in Delhi-Aravallis-System, India: Vivid creations by early man, Part 2 (Issue 40)
- Megaliths in Delhi-Aravallis-System, India: Part 3 of the Delhi-Aravallis series (Issue 41)
- Animal petroglyphs in Delhi-Aravallis-System, India: Part 4 of the Delhi-Aravallis series (Issue 43)
- Mathematical rock art in old world India: In special context to Jawaharlal Nehru University campus, Part 1: Complex cup-mark pairs (Issue 67)
- Mathematical rock art in old world India: In special context to Jawaharlal Nehru University campus, Part 2: Game boards and beyond (Issue 68)
- Mathematical rock art in old world India: In special context to Jawaharlal Nehru University campus, Part 3: Cup-marks & pentagrams (Issue 69)
- Mathematical rock art in old world India: In special context to Jawaharlal Nehru University campus, Part 4: Diagonals & polygons (Issue 70)
- Mathematical rock art in old world India: In special context to Jawaharlal Nehru University campus, Part 5: Animal associations and Conclusion (Issue 71)

Articles about Raghubir S. Thakur by other PCN authors :

- Ancient American and Indian petroglyphic encyclopedias [regarding the work of Urbaniak, Willis and Thakur] John Feliks (Issue 68)
Raghubir Singh Thakur (June 1948 - November 2020) Sachin K. Tiwary (Issue 69)
- Mnemonic devices trump entoptic hallucinations: Lukasa memory boards [regarding the work of Urbaniak, Willis and Thakur] John Feliks (Issue 69)
- Nine Men's Morris - Thakur's 'game boards' - which came first? John Feliks (Issue 70)

Dragos Gheorghiu ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Romania
Dragos Gheorghiu is an experimental archaeologist, artist, pyro-technics expert, and professor of cultural anthropology and prehistoric art at National University of Arts, Bucharest, Romania. For many years, Gheorghiu has attempted to tackle the difficult subject of understanding the spirituality of prehistoric people through experimental archaeology. His work involves such universal and timeless experiences as human perceptions of landscape and the shared experience of fire, to name only two.

Gheorghiu's Timemaps project on YouTube involves creating unadorned film representations of prehistoric or later early technologies by discovering little known living communities and giving them a presence on the Internet. The films are done in a style that gives a sense of real time in daily life without the embellishments or editing styles of other types of filmmaking. The project also involves creating virtual museums for these communities to help reconstruct their past and in the hopes that local traditions can be preserved. Photo at upper right is a still from, "Vertical Loom," one of the films conceived by Gheorghiu and filmed by Adrian Serbanescu. Performance and design of the loom and costume is by Alexandra Rusu. The loom propmaker is Ion Dimcea.

Gheorghiu’s "Landart Transformations" is a project at Monte Velho, Portugal; photo by Radu Damian at lower right. It is a visual representation of a prehistoric hill fort or castro. The idea is in part to help observers from a distance get an actual sense of place in three dimensions. 
Gheorghiu is the author, editor, and co-editor of many articles and books on archaic technologies as well as the signs and symbols of material culture. He has done pioneering research in the field of cognitive archaeology, including prehistoric spirituality, not only by recreating artifacts and using ancient techniques, but also by re-enacting the use of space, water and fire as in ancient times. All of these experimental archaeology programs are attempts to reproduce perceptions common to all people and to help create a more direct connection to the past.

Websites and articles featuring the work of Dragos Gheorghiu:

Articles in PC News featuring Gheorghiu's work:


Ray Urbaniak
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ United States

Ray Urbaniak is an engineer by education and profession; however, he is an artist and passionate amateur archeologist at heart with many years of systematic field research on Native American rock art, especially as related to archaeoastronomy, equinoxes and solstices in Utah. He has noted that standard archaeological studies commonly record details of material culture but overlook the sometimes incredible celestial archeological evidence.

Urbaniak has also played a major role in documenting and raising concerns for the accelerating vandalism, destruction and theft of Native American rock art. He has brought state representatives to rock art sites with the hope of at least placing labels as protected nearby what he calls “sacred art” sites as a deterrent to vandalism. Urbaniak’s book, Anasazi of Southwest Utah: The Dance of Light and Shadow (2006), is a collection of color photographs of previously unrecorded Anasazi or Ancestral Pueblo solstice markers, equinox and cross-quarter markers in SW Utah including both petroglyph and horizon markers as well as the first general guidelines for identifying solstice and equinox markers. His rock art photographs include clear descriptionswith many photographs being time-sequenced as events occurred along with compass, angular orientations, and other information.


Articles in PC News:
- Ice Age animals in Southwest U.S. rock art, Part 3 (Issue 24)
- More on Ice Age animals in Southwest U.S. rock art (Issue 26)
- Intriguing images from the Shaman's Gallery and possible conclusions, Part 1 (Issue 32)
- Intriguing images from the Shaman's Gallery and possible conclusions, Part 2 (Issue 32)
- Ice Age animals in Southwest USA rock art: More on their identification and protection (Issue 34)
- Minor detail from Utah rock panel with a proposed mammoth hunting scene (Issue 37)
- More on a Utah rock art panel with a proposed mammoth hunting scene (Issue 38)
- Ice Age animals in SW USA rock art, continued: Another potential mammoth image (Issue 41)
- Mammoth sightings and rock art depictions could be more recent, Part 1 (Issue 43)
- Oral tradition and beyond (Issue 47)
- Ice Age animal descriptions passed down through oral tradition (Issue 48)
- Oral tradition and beyond, Part 2 (Issue 49)
- Dating a remarkable petroglyph site through visual clues (Issue 50)
- Earliest maize depicted in southern Utah petroglyph (Issue 51)
- Reassessing the Clovis people and their artistic capabilities, a preview (Issue 51)
- Refined thinking regarding Ice Age animals in rock art (Issue 52)
- Earliest maize depicted in southern Utah petroglyph, Part 2: Antiquity-corroborating images (Issue 52)
- Refined thinking regarding Ice Age animals in rock art, Part 2 (Issue 53)
- The giant bear and other megafauna and oral tradition (Issue 53)
- The Pleiades 1600 BC (Issue 54)
- Some observations on the controversial subject of the peopling of the Americas (As the old expression goes, "I don't have a horse in this race" (Issue 54)
- Falcons and falconry in Southwest U.S. rock art (Issue 55)
- Three-horned animals on a Utah rock art panel (Issue 55)
- Asterisk sign c. 16,000 BP and solstice markers (Issue 56)
- Experimental archaeology and Paleolithic-style hand stencils (Issue 56)
- Rock art rebels - breaking with tradition (Issue 57)
- Three-horned animal depictions, follow-up (Issue 57)
- Fascinating similarities in the rock art of Australia and the Arizona Strip (Issue 58)
- Reconsidering Paleolithic and other depictions and how knowledge is transmitted over time (Issue 58)
- Rarely-depicted Ice Age animals in U.S. cave art (Issue 59)
- Intriguing figures in Southwest U.S. rock art (Issue 59)
- Tattoos as Clovis / Folsom-age portable "rock art" (Issue 60)
- Possible steppe bison petroglyph, Moab, Utah (Issue 60)
- Older artifacts curated by Paleolithic people (Issue 61)
- Updates on proboscidea, step bison, and tattoos (Issue 61)
- Sequel to Pleiades articles (Issue 61)
- Giant ground sloths and rethinking the life expectancy of pictographs (Issue 62)
- Dissecting a woolly mammoth petroglyph image (Issue 62)
- Nevada 'moose' and mammoth petroglyphs and a note about persistent mainstream skepticism (Issue 63)
- 'Twisted perspective' in rock art (Issue 63)
- Elaborated documentation of the mammoth/notation panel (Issue 64)
- Another possibility regarding hand stencils in France (Issue 64)
- Possible locations of Pleistocene rock art in North America (Issue 64)
- Analysis of an intriguing micro-petroglyph in Utah (Issue 65)
- Ships-not-seen and fact-denying dilemmas in Clovis-First and other mainstream beliefs (Issue 65)
- Mammoth/notation panel update, second mammoth, and interactive online 3D projection (Issue 66)
- A possible Pleistocene-age pictograph site in the Arizona Strip (Issue 66)
- Accelerated extinction of the proboscideans due to hunting of young animals (Issue 67)
- More observations on the controversial subject of the peopling of the America (Issue 67)
- Ancient American and Indian petroglyphic encyclopedias [reg. the work of Ray Urbaniak, Mark Willis and Raghubir S Thakur] (Issue 68)
- Possible woolly rhinoceros pictograph (Issue 68)
- When the scientific method becomes unscientific (Issue 68)
- Surprising affinities between rock art animal images around the world (Issue 68)
- Winter solstice follow-up to 'Analysis of an intriguing micro-petroglyph in Utah (Issue 69)
- Gomphothere pictograph (Issue 69)
- An open mind [excerpts from Ray Urbaniak letter regarding the Pleistocene Coalition] (Issue 70)
- Camelops and possible rock art footprint symbols (Issue 70)
- American cheetah (Issue 71)
- What to make of mainstream Clovis/Folsom dates? (Issue 71)
- The Pleiades rock art saga: New evidence and implications (Issue 72)
- Support for proposed ibex depictions in U.S. rock art and mammoth tusks depicted as large horns (Issue 72)
- Saudi panel - Part 2 of the Pleiades rock art saga By Ray Urbaniak and Abdulrahman Albalawi (Issue 73)
- Camelid rock art in the Grand Canyon (Issue 73)
- Ice Age animals in Utah, Arizona, and Nevada rock art: Game-changing Native American pictographs and petroglyphs (Issue 74)
- The Pleiades rock art saga continues By Ray Urbaniak and Abdulrahman Albalawi (Issue 75)
A summary of Ice Age animal depictions in U.S. rock art (plus megafauna and humans in the Americas) (Issue 75)
Pleiades saga: Alternative orientations of the Saudi Arabian and Moroccan glyphs, Ray Urbaniak and Abdulrahman Albalawi (Issue 76)
- The Pleiades rock art enigma and its growing international context, Ray Urbaniak and Juan Crocco (Issue 77)
- Analysis of a very old and unique petroglyph: Timeless animal behavior depicted in rock art, Ray Urbaniak (Issue 78)
- Ireland petroglyphs: Further support for a nova in the Pleiades, Ray Urbaniak, Abdulrahman Albalawi and Juan Crocco (Issue 78)
- The Thunderbird, Ray Urbaniak, Abdulrahman Albalawi and Juan Crocco (Issue 79)
- Possible giant ground sloth pictograph, Ray Urbaniak, Abdulrahman Albalawi and Juan Crocco (Issue 79)
- Ice Age animals in Utah, Arizona, and Nevada rock art: Game-changing Native American pictographs and petroglyphs, Part 1 [REPRINT from Issue 74] (Issue 80)
- Ice Age animals in Utah, Arizona, and Nevada rock art: Game-changing Native American pictographs and petroglyphs, Part 2 (Issue 80)
- Another thought on Clovis caches and migration (Issue 81)
- Ice Age animals in rock art: Ranges and extinctions (Issue 82)
- A new extinct pronghorn pictograph—Grand Canyon (Issue 83)
- Regarding Chauvet Cave images (Issue 83)
- Modern-era steppe bison, giant sloths and ibex (Issue 84)
- Evaluation of a 1964 paper on an ibex skull from Iowa (Issue 85)
- Case for a worldwide early written language (Issue 85)
- Unusual horns may indicate a new species of pronghorn (Issue 86)
- More enigmatic rock art from the Grand Canyon and Winslow, AZ (Issue 86)
- Comparing sizes of proposed dwarf pronghorn and jack rabbit depictions (Issue 87)
- Is hunting and foraging the future of mankind? BOOK REVIEW of Paul Shepard's Coming Home to the Pleistocene Ray Urbaniak (Issue 89)
- Rock art interpretation of Hopi 'Ant People' origin myth Ray Urbaniak (Issue 89)

Articles about Ray Urbaniak by other PCN authors:
- Ancient American and Indian petroglyphic encyclopedias John Feliks (Issue 68)
- Rock art photographer Jennifer Hatcher apparent Saiga antelope rock art pics sent to Ray Urbaniak John Feliks (Issue 69)
- Clovis effigies publication held up for 12 years [regarding the work of Mark Corbit, Virginia Steen-McIntyre, Ray Urbaniak, and many others] John Feliks (Issue 69)
Carl Sagan unwittingly equated anthropology with politics and religion [Reprint of Intro from Issue #30 with 2022 Addendum citing Ray Urbaniak] John Feliks (Issue 75)
- Revisiting PCN #75 (Jan-Feb 2022): Pleiades editorials [Citing Ray Urbaniak, Abdulrahman Albalawi, Juan Crocco, and Thomas Walli-Knofler and the Austrian Cupstone Team] John Feliks (Issue 88)

News items Ray Urbaniak:
-Recommended article: Aboriginal memories of inundation of the Australian coast dating from more than 7000 years ago (Issue 44)
-Recommended articles: Articles providing more evidence of oral histories passed down across millennia (Issue 45)

Fiction by Ray Urbaniak overview:


Jeffrey Goodman, PhD ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ United States

Jeffrey Goodman, PhD, is an archaeologist, geologist, and professional (Geological) mining engineer. He has a professional degree in Geological Engineering from Colorado School of Mines, an MA in anthropology from the University of Arizona, an MBA from Columbia University Graduate School of Business, and a PhD in anthropology from California Coast University. For nearly 10 years, Goodman was accredited by the former Society of Professional Archaeologists (SOPA) 1978–1987.

In the summer of 1979, Goodman's archaeological team directed by the late Dr. Alan Bryan, Professor of Archaeology, University of Alberta, discovered a flat stone with straight lines engraved on both sides. It was brought up from Pleistocene deposits at a depth of 23 feet at Goodman's archaeological site in the mountains north of Flagstaff, Arizona. Goodman had been excavating the site intermittently since 1973.

The complete decades-long story of this remarkable artifact, including the dating methods applied and never-before-published photographs of the excavation and participants, can be found in the following articles in Pleistocene Coalition News.

Articles in PC News
The Flagstaff Stone: A Paleo-Indian engraved stone from Flagstaff, Arizona (Issue 11)
- Solutrean solutions—Goodman’s American Genesis ahead of the game, by David Campbell (Issue 19)

- Update on Jeff Goodman's Flagstaff Stone (Issue 28)

Resolving the mystery of the Flagstaff Stone: a call for help (Issue 29)
- The potential o f the Flagstaff Stone in the search for early man in the Americas (Issue 31)
- The Flagstaff Stone: New dating results (Issue 37)
- Engraved stone found in New world glacial paleosol: The Flagstaff Stone offers profound information on the age and intellect of early man in the Americas, Part 1 (Issue 42)
- Engraved stone found in New world glacial paleosol, Part 2 (Issue 43)
- Engraved stone found in New world glacial paleosol, Part 3 (Issue 44)
- Flagstaff Stone supplemental section: Primary figures from Dr. Allaz’ Flagstaff Stone electron microprobe scans (Issue 44)
- You can't get there from here: The true story of the Flagstaff Stone, Part 1 (Issue 55)
- You can't get there from here: The true story of the Flagstaff Stone, Part 2 (Issue 55)
- You can't get there from here: The true story of the Flagstaff Stone, Part 3 (Issue 55)

Jan Willem van der Drift¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The Netherlands

Van der Drift (stone tool production expert)

Jan Willem van der Drift, a veterinarian in the Netherlands by trade, is a colleague of the late Chris Hardaker, archaeologist and founding member of the Pleistocene Coalition. He is a Dutch lithics expert in stone tool production with over 40 years field experience. Van der Drift is a prolific author in both English and Dutch publishing in such as Notae Praehistoricae, Archeologie, APAN/Extern (publication of Aktieve Praktijk Archeologie Nederland), etc. He is also a producer of educational films demonstrating bipolar techniques of stone tool production and its association with various human cultures of all periods beginning with the Paleolithic. Van der Drift’s work is also referenced in Paul Douglas Campbell’s book, The Universal Tool Kit (2013), a highly-rated overview of stone tool production techniques. Van der Drift is presently Chairman of APAN or Active Practitioners of Archaeology in the Netherlands (Aktieve Praktijk Archeologie Nederland). The organization was started due to the cumulative knowledge and field experience of its members consistently observing inaccurate interpretations of physical evidence regarding the nature of early humans by the mainstream archaeology community. The group was given extra motivation along these lines by Chris Hardaker who, in correspondence with van der Drift related the treatment of Calico Early Man Site in California (excavated by famed anthropologist Dr. Louis Leakey) by the mainstream archaeological establishment. Van der Drift lives in the small town of Cadier en Keer in the province of Lumborg, Netherlands.


Articles in PC News

How our ancestors lived SIX-PART SERIES 

Part 1: Neanderthals, Homo sapiens and the crucial role of huts (Issue 64)
Part 2: The invention of stone tools (Issue 65)
Part 3: How the handaxe was invented (Issue 66)
Part 4: Bipolar multitools (Issue 67)
Part 5: Mode-III: traveling light (Issue 68)
Part 6: Six stages of human behavior (Issue 69)

The pioneers of Calico (Issue 72)
The Maastricht Venus: A Gravettian pendant, Part 1 (Issue 90)
Guy Leduc

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Canada, France

Guy Leduc is a Canadian geological engineer specializing in tectonics, geomorphology, and sequence stratigraphy. He is also a longtime researcher in paleontology, achaeostronomy, mythology and linguistics. Leduc is presently living in France.

Articles in PC News
Catastrophic subglacial flood at the end of the last Ice Age (Issue 57)
Challenging plate tectonics theory (Issue 58)
- The paradox of ancient seashores and landscapes (Issue 59)
Blind spots in earth science research (Issue 67)
Hyperbaric atmosphere botanic (Issue 70)
Richard Michael Gramly, PhD¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ United States

Richard Michael Gramly, PhD, is an archaeologist with a BS in geology (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) and a PhD in anthropology (Harvard University). He has conducted archaeological and geological fieldwork in six countries and 30 states. His PhD dissertation (1975) focused on Kenyan and Tanzanian prehistory. Dr. Gramly worked for six years in East Africa two years of which he was an Exhibits Planner at the National Museum of Kenya, Nairobi, under famed anthropologist Richard Leakey, being well-acquainted with the entire Leakey family.

Articles in PC News
Presumed evidence of Clovis industry at Harvard Hill, San Bernardino County, California (Issue 60)
Lighting, heating, and cooking during the Late Pleistocene in both the Old and New Worlds Michael Gramly and Dennis Vesper (Issue 63) 
Understanding the Clovis-age lamp preform from the Cedar Fork Creek site, north-central Ohio (Issue 66)
BOOK REVIEW: Archaeology of North Central Ohio, Volume 3, (2020) (Issue 67)
Publication announcements new paper, new book w-contributions PC co-founder Dr. James B. Harrod (Issue 70)
A Palaeo-American stone figurine from the Calico Hills, San Bernardino County, California (Issue 71)
Preface to upcoming essays about ivory, proboscidean bone, and extinct/extirpated cervid antler artifacts from Clovis-age sites
(Issue 72)
- Ice Age industry: Essay 1 - A focus on stone tools (Issue 73)
- Ice Age industry: Essay 2 - Focus upon artifacts made of bone (Issue 74)
- Ice Age industry: Essay 3 - Focus upon artifacts made of ivory (Issue 75)
- Ice Age industry: Essay 4 - Focus upon artifacts made of antler (Issue 76)
- Ice Age industry: Essay 5 - Palaeolithic Clovis ritual behaviors and accessing the underworld (Issue 77)
- Quick summary of new book, "Human and Proboscidean Interactions in Northern North America" (Issue 77)
- Oldest absolutely-dated sled in the world (Issue 80)
- A recent discovery at the Pioneer Museum, Lower Blue Licks, Kentucky (Issue 85)
- Promo for presentation on dating of the oldest absolutely-dated sled (Issue 87)
- Promo for upcoming book release (Issue 88)
- Claims for Upper Palaeolithic schematic and zoomorphic art engravings in the Americas (Issue 89)
Anthony L. Peratt, PhD, and W.F. Yao, LMS, M.A.¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ United States

Anthony Lee Peratt, PhD, received his BSEE from California State Polytechnic University, 1963, followed by his MSEE from the University of Southern California, 1967. Assigned for two years to Professor Hannes Alfven, Peratt translated Alfven’s seminal book, Cosmic Plasma, into English. Peratt received his PhD in 1971, after Alfven was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. Peratt then joined the UC National Laboratories (Lawrence Livermore in 1972 and Los Alamos in 1981), receiving his 30-year UC Alumnus Award in 2005. He spent sabbaticals at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany 1975–77 and the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 1985/1988. In 1986, he gave the prestigious Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters Birkeland Lecture. Dr. Peratt later received two U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) awards for his experiments and computations. With Professor Oscar Buneman, Stanford University (of Bletchley Park fame) Peratt ran the Tridimensional-Stanford fully-3D gravitational and plasma teraflop galaxy code for 14 years in a Stanford-Los Alamos collaboration. 1995–99 Dr. Peratt served in the Department of Energy Defense Programs and as Acting Head of Nuclear Nonproliferation. Since then, he served in the Los Alamos Associate Laboratory Directorate for Experiments and Computations. Subsequently his research involves the source of petroglyphs as an ancient above-Antarctic intense outburst, with ground GPS measurements and their distribution-orientation with earth-orbiting satellites, in the Americas; Australia, Polynesia (including Easter Island), the Alps and Mongolia. 2004–2011 Peratt worked with UPenn Department of Archaeology and Anthropology. Dr. Peratt is Senior Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science and an IEEE Life Fellow, a member of the American Physical Society, American Astrophysical Society, and Archimedes Circle. He acknowledges his tenure at the U.S. Department of Energy, Washington D.C., 1995–2000, Department of Defense Programs (DP) and Nuclear Nonproliferation (NN). Dr. Peratt is indebted to Professors Hans Kuehl, EE Department USC and Zohrab Kaprelian, Dean of Engineering USC, who started him on a course of studies he could not have foreseen.


Articles in PC News
The Pillars of Heracles (Pillars of Hercules), Part 1 Anthony Peratt (Issue 63)
The Pillars of Heracles (Pillars of Hercules), Part 2 Anthony Peratt (Issue 63)
Pleistocene civilizations, Part 1 Anthony Peratt and W. F. Yao (Issue 82)
Pleistocene civilizations, Part 2 Anthony Peratt and W. F. Yao (Issue 83)
Pleistocene civilizations, Part 3 Anthony Peratt and W. F. Yao (Issue 84)
Pleistocene civilizations, Part 4 Anthony Peratt and W. F. Yao (Issue 85)
Pleistocene civilizations, Part 5 Anthony Peratt and W. F. Yao (Issue 86)
Pleistocene civilizations, Part 6 Anthony Peratt and W. F. Yao (Issue 87)
Pleistocene civilizations, Part 7 Anthony Peratt and W. F. Yao (Issue 88)
Pleistocene civilizations, Part 8 Anthony Peratt and W. F. Yao (Issue 89)
Pleistocene civilizations, Part 9 Anthony Peratt and W. F. Yao (Issue 90)

PCN article w/photo & brief discussion of Peratt's work:
Intriguing images from the Shaman's Gallery and some possible conclusions, Part 2 by Ray Urbaniak (Issue 32)

PCN 'Member news and other info' comment from Dr. Peratt:
News item note from Dr. Peratt regarding archaeological artifacts having their chronological dates unintentionally "reset" to zero due to nuclear testing (Issue 34)

PCN 'Member news and other info' support comment:
- Comment regarding, "International experts respond to California's BLM/big business threats to Calico Early Man Site," by John Feliks (Issue 72)

The links in this section are to a few early PCN articles, artwork, or news items by certain authors. It is 'not' a list of Pleistocene Coalition members or PCN subscribers.

Carl L. Johanessen
Tony Mitton
Neil Steede
Paulette Steeves
Michael Winkler
Ishtar Babilu Dingir
Mathieu Gasc
Jim Bischoff
Dave McIntyre
Fred E. Budinger, Jr.
Patricio Bustamante
Gina Sinozich
Amadeo Dujmovic
Ray Urbaniak
Susan B. Martinez
Raghubir S. Thakur
David Truman
Bruce Fenton
Xavier Bartlett
Jan Willem van der Drift
Yasmine Bahaji
Thomas Walli-Knofler
Werner Kräutler
Christopher Borton
Maggie Macnab
George Howard
Gerhard Neuhäuser
Peter Faris
Ed Gutentag
Jeffrey Goodman
Austin Whittall
Ursel Benekendorff
Ricardo Moyano
Sharlet Di Giorgio
Monte Nagler
Bonnie Matthews
Gregg Miklashek
Marcella Giulia Lorenzi
Sachin K. Tiwary
Steve Hanson
Brett Martin
Richard Michael Gramly
Thomas A. Gara
Enilse Urbaniak
Shivaya Coyote Varlet Castle
Herbert Kirnbauer
Josef Höfer
Linda Welsh
Thomas Bargatzky
Lee Laughlin
David Campbell
Ren Lallatin
Charles W. Naeser
Jörn Greve
Marshall Payn

Kyron O'Doherty
Vesna Tenodi
Daniela Bustamante
Marina Lapadatovic
Kat Copeland
Ed Swanzey
Adam Arkfeld
Albi Wethli
Dragos Gheorghiu
Richard Dempsey
Tim Holmes
Mark Willis
Abdulrahman Albalawi
Hassan Yamani
Mark Corbitt
Fay Yao
Elke Rogersdotter
Richard Dullum
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
Michael Cremo
Ekkehart Malotki
Dragos Gheorghiu
Kenneth B. Johnston
Bill Cote
Joel Weishaus
Alan Day
Leah Carreon
Trevor McNaughton
Joel N. Wilson
David Deming
Jarrod Barker
Anthony Peratt
Marilyn Jesmain
Bonnye Matthews
Ellen Dissanayake
Jennifer Hatcher
Anwaar Chaudhry
Mohamad Naserifard
Hartmut Thieme
Julie Ryder
Bill Ryder
Lutz Fiedler
Laura Lyons
Jim Harrod
Henry D. Wallace
Luann Udell
Chantal Jègues-Wolkiewiez
Kevin Lynch
Sam L. VanLandingham
Rockey Whipkey
Rod Chilton
Shekinah Errington
Donald Johnson
Allan Shumaker
Sue Reynolds
Richard Doninger
Terry Bradford
Guy Leduc
Glenwood Boatman
Joseph D. Smith
Brion Benninger
Joseph Keith Anders
Ilkya Lee
Michael Collins
Glenister James
Tom Baldwin
Jean Raab
Alan Cannell

John Feliks

Chris Hardaker
Harold E. Malde
Joe Liddicoat
Juan Armenta
Helen Banks
Kristie Cast Baldwin
Carrie Malde
Pietro DiGiorgio
Roy Shlemon
Ron Alexander
Paul Bouissac
Ted Oberlander
Anthony Peratt
Dennis Vesper
Timothy Edwards
Juan Crocco
John Pint
Herbert Preisl
Kevin Callaghan
Marinus A. van der Sluijs

- Pleistocene Coalition News -



October 2009

Patrick Lyons

Virginia Steen-McIntyre
David Campbell
Ishtar Babilu Dingir
Alan Cannell
John Feliks


November-December 2009

Jörn Greve

Gerhard Neuhäuser
Lutz Fiedler
Peter Faris
Patrick Lyons
Beth McCormack
David Campbell
Laura Lyons
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
Ishtar Babilu Dingir


January-February 2010

Carl L. Johannessen

Richard Dullum
Tom Baldwin
Jim Harrod
Alan Cannell
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
Ishtar Babilu Dingir
John Feliks


March-April 2010

Sam VanLandingham

Michael A. Cremo
Jörn Greve
Gerhard Neuhäuser
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
Alan Cannell
Peter Faris
Richard Dullum


May-June 2010

Michael Winkler

Matt Gatton

Ed Gutentag
Alan Cannell
Lutz Fiedler
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


July-August 2010

Alan Cannell

Sam VanLandingham
Matt Gatton
Jörn Greve
Gerhard Neuhäuser
Chris Hardaker
Ishtar Babilu Dinger

Virginia Steen-McIntyre



September-October 2010
1st Anniversary Issue

Paulette Steeves
Patrick Lyons
Sam VanLandingham
Chris Hardaker

Alan Cannell
Matt Gatton
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks



November-December 2010

Ekkehart Malotki
Henry Wallace
Jim Harrod
Ron Alexander
Michael A. Cremo
Chris Hardaker

Alan Cannell
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


Janurary-February 2011

Ren Lallatin

Sam VanLandingham
Luann Udell

Michael Cremo
Alan Cannell

Kenneth B. Johnston

Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks



March-April 2011

Richard Dullum
Alan Cannell
Jörn Greve
Gerhard Neuhäuser
Dave McIntyre
Michael Winkler
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks



May-June 2011

Jeffrey Goodman
Charles W. Naeser
Bill Cote
Paulette Steeves
Sam VanLandingham

Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks



July-August 2011

Richard Dullum
Kevin Lynch
Tom Baldwin
Michael Cremo
Harold E. Malde
Ekkehart Malotki
Henry D. Wallace

Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


September-October 2011
(2nd Anniversary Issue)

Lutz Fiedler
Joe Liddicoat
Jim Bischoff
Jörn Greve
Gerhard Neuhäuser
Fred E. Budinger, Jr.
Ken Johnston
Kyron O'Doherty
Richard Dullum
Kevin Lynch
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks

tn_PCNews#14 (november-december2011)-cover-for-making-thumbnail_h90.jpg

November-December 2011

Chantal Jègues-Wolkiewiez
Marshall Payn
Alan Day

Richard Dullum
Kevin Lynch
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


January-February 2012

Ursel Benekendorff
James B. Harrod

Chantal Jègues-Wolkiewiez

Alan Cannell
Juan Armenta
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


March-April 2012

George Howard
Paulette Steeves

Tom Baldwin

Richard Dullum
Dragos Gheorghiu
Jim Bischoff
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


May-June 2012

Fred E. Budinger, Jr.
Vesna Tenodi

Rockey Whipkey

Helen Banks
Ursel Benekendorff
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


July-August 2012

Kevin Lynch
Richard Dullum
Patricio Bustamante
Ricardo Moyano
Daniela Bustamante
Helen Banks
Matt Gatton
Leah Carreon
Rod Chilton
Vesna Tenodi

Sam VanLandingham
Kristie Cast Baldwin
Tom Baldwin
John Feliks


September-October 2012
(3rd Anniversary Issue)

David Campbell
Jeffrey Goodman
Rockey Whipkey
Vesna Tenodi
Jörn Greve
Gerhard Neuhäuser
Bill Cote
Marshall Payn

Paulette Steeves
Virginia Steen-McIntire
John Feliks


November-December 2012

Alan Cannell
Trevor McNaughton
Sharlet Di Giorgio
Gina Sinozich
Marina Lapadatovic
Tony Mitton
David Campbell
Michael Winkler
Dragos Gheorghiu
Vesna Tenodi
Donald Johnson
Virginia Steen-McIntire
John Feliks


January-February 2013

Maggie Macnab
Tom Baldwin
Vesna Tenodi
Richard Dullum
Virginia Steen-McIntire
John Feliks


March-April 2013

Ray Urbaniak
Chris Hardaker
Kat Copeland

Bonnye Matthews
Richard Dullum
Kevin Lynch
Vesna Tenodi
Fred E. Bundiger, Jr.
John Feliks


May-June 2013

Ray Urbaniak
Alan Cannell
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


July-August 2013

Tom Baldwin
James B. Harrod
Chris Hardaker
Ray Urbaniak
Ed Swanzey
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


September-October 2013
(4th Anniversary Issue)

David Deming
Trevor R. McNaughton
Rod Chilton
Fred E. Budinger, Jr.
Vesna Tenodi
John Feliks


November-December 2013

David Campbell
Tom Baldwin
Chris Hardaker
Jörn Greve
Gerhard Neuhäuser
Ray Urbaniak
Fred E. Budinger, Jr.
Roy Shlemon
Allan Shumaker

Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


January-February 2014

Gregg Miklashek
Tom Baldwin
Matt Gatton
Jörn Greve
Gerhard Neuhäuser
Alan Cannell
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


March-April 2014

Adam Arkfeld
Richard Dullum
Kevin Lynch
Jeffrey Goodman
Matt Gatton
Trevor R. McNaughton
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre

John Feliks


May-June 2014

Jarrod Barker
Kevin Lynch
Richard Dullum
Jeffrey Goodman
Michael Winkler
Kevin Callaghan
Trevor R. McNaughton
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre

John Feliks


 July-August 2014

Chris Hardaker
Tom Baldwin
Kevin Lynch
Adam Arkfeld
Alan Cannell

Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre

John Feliks


 September-October 2014
(5th Anniversary Issue)

David Campbell
Jeffrey Goodman

Tom Baldwin
Marshall Payn
Chris Hardaker
Kenneth Johnston
Matt Gatton
Richard Dullum
Kevin Lynch

Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre

John Feliks


 November-December 2014

Fred E. Budinger, Jr.
Tom Baldwin
Ray Urbaniak
Sue Reynolds
Anthony Peratt

Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre

John Feliks


 January-February 2015

Tom Baldwin
Chris Hardaker
Albi Wethli
Trevor R. McNaughton
Marcella Lorenzi
Ray Urbaniak
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


March-April 2015

Richard Doninger
Ray Urbaniak
Richard Dullum
Kevin Lynch

Anthony Peratt
Trevor R. McNaughton
Rod Chilton
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


May-June 2015

Neil Steede
Sachin K. Tiwary
Richard Doninger

Richard Dullum
Tom Baldwin
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


July-August 2015

Kevin Lynch
Richard Dullum
Tom Baldwin
David Campbell
Neil Steede
Chris Hardaker
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


September-October 2015
(6th Anniversary Issue)

Tom Baldwin
David Campbell
Jeffrey Goodman
Ray Urbaniak

Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


November-December 2015

Marilyn Jesmain
Chris Hardaker
David Campbell
Kevin Lynch
Richard Dullum
Ray Urbaniak
Sachin Tiwary
Michael Winkler

Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


January-February 2016

Raghubir S. Thakur
Marilyn Jesmain

Fred E. Budinger, Jr.
Kevin Lynch
Richard Dullum

Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


March-April 2016

David Truman
Dragos Gheorghiu
Chris Hardaker
Raghubir S. Thakur

Kevin Lynch
Richard Dullum
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


May-June 2016

Dragos Gheorghiu
David Campbell
Tom Baldwin
Raghubir S. Thakur

Ray Urbaniak
Richard Dullum
Kevin Lynch
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


July-August 2016

Jeffrey Goodman
Tom Baldwin
Richard Dullum

David Truman
Ken Johnston
Bonnye Matthews
Ray Urbaniak

Terry Bradford
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


September-October 2016
(7th Anniversary Issue)

Jeffrey Goodman
Tom Baldwin
Kevin Lynch
Richard Dullum
Raghubir S. Thakur
Ray Urbaniak
David Campbell

Terry Bradford
Dragos Gheorghiu
Marilyn Jesmain
Chris Hardaker
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


November-December 2016

Jeffrey Goodman
Fred E. Budinger, Jr.

Kevin Lynch
Richard Dullum
Ray Urbaniak
Terry Bradford
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


January-February 2017

Chris Hardaker
David Campbell
Kevin Lynch
Richard Dullum
Ray Urbaniak
Terry Bradford
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


March-April 2017

Tom Baldwin
Chris Hardaker
Ed Gutentag
Ray Urbaniak
Terry Bradford
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


May-June 2017

David Campbell
Chris Hardaker
Tom Baldwin
Ray Urbaniak
Tom Johnston
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


July-August 2017

Chris Hardaker
Kudos from our Readers
Patricio Bustamante
Brett Martin
Richard Dullum
Kevin Lynch

Ray Urbaniak
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


September-October 2017
(8th Anniversary Issue)

David Campbell
Chuck Naeser
Condolences from our Readers

Richard Dullum
Kevin Lynch
Tom Baldwin

Ray Urbaniak
Vesna Tenodi
Bonnye Matthews

Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


November-December 2017

Ray Urbaniak
David Campbell
Tom Baldwin
Jim Bischoff
Chris Hardaker posthumously

Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


January-February 2018

Guy Leduc
Ray Urbaniak

Mark Corbitt
Ekkehart Malotki
Ellen Dissanayake
Alan Day
David Campbell

Tom Baldwin
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


March-April 2018

Ray Urbaniak

David Campbell

Tom Baldwin
Terry Bradford
Patricio Bustamante
Fred E. Budinger Jr.

Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


May-June 2018

Sachin K. Tiwary
Ray Urbaniak
Dragos Gheorghiu
Jim Harrod
Tom Baldwin
Richard Dullum
Kevin Lynch

Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


July-August 2018

Matt Gatton
Sachin Kr. Tiwary
Richard Dullum
Ray Urbaniak
Terry Bradford
Tom Baldwin
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


September-October 2018
(9th Anniversary Issue)

Jeffrey Goodman
Tom Baldwin
Ray Urbaniak
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


November-December 2018

Michael Cremo
Richard Dullum
Tom Baldwin
Dragos Gheorghiu

Ray Urbaniak
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


January-February 2019

Guy Leduc
Tom Baldwin
Ray Urbaniak
Jennifer Hatcher
Richard Dullum
Terry Bradford

Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


March-April 2019

Guy Leduc
Tom Baldwin
Ray Urbaniak
Fred Budinger

Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


May-June 2019

Michael Cremo
Guy Leduc
Jennifer Hatcher
Ray Urbaniak
Xavier Bartlett

Bruce Fenton
Fred Budinger
Richard Dullum
Dragos Gheorghiu
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


July-August 2019

Richard Michael Gramly
Richard Dempsey
Xavier Bartlett
Tom Baldwin
Ray Urbaniak

Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


September-October 2019
(10th Anniversary Issue)

Tim Holmes
Xavier Bartlett
Rockey Whipkey

Ray Urbaniak

Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre

John Feliks


November-December 2019

Tom Baldwin
Rockey Whipkey
Tim Holmes
Ray Urbaniak
Virginia Steen-McIntyre

John Feliks


January-February 2020

Anthony Peratt
Richard Michael Gramly
Dennis Vesper
Terry Bradford
Ray Urbaniak
Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre

John Feliks


March-April 2020

Jan Willem van der Drift
Tom Baldwin

Ray Urbaniak
Mark Willis
Todd Ellis
Braxton Ellis
Edward Swanzey
Alan Day
Fred E. Budinger Jr.

Vesna Tenodi
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


May-June 2020

Jan Willem van der Drift
Tom Baldwin

Ray Urbaniak
Michael Cremo
Richard Dullum
Ed Swanzey
Chris Hardaker (posthumously)
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


July-August 2020

Richard Michael Gramly
Jan Willem van der Drift
Ray Urbaniak
Mark Willis
Chris Hardaker (posthumously)
David Campbell
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


September-October 2020
(11th Anniversary Issue)

Raghubir S. Thakur
Guy Leduc
Tom Baldwin
VSM wishes from our readers
Richard Michael Gramly
Glenwood Boatman
Timothy Edwards
Jan Willem van der Drift
Ray Urbaniak
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


November-December 2020

Thomas A. Gara
Jennifer Hatcher
Raghubir S. Thakur
Jan Willem van der Drift
Ray Urbaniak
Mark Willis

Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


January-February 2021

Sachin K. Tiwary
Jennifer Hatcher
Enilse Urbaniak
Anwaar Chaudhry
Raghubir S. Thakur

Jan Willem van der Drift
Ray Urbaniak
Mark Corbitt
Tom Baldwin
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


March-April 2021

Tom Baldwin
Guy Leduc
Sue Reynolds
Glenwood Boatman
Richard Michael Gramly
Xavier Bartlett
Michael Cremo
Ray Urbaniak
Raghubir S. Thakur
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


May-June 2021

Richard Michael Gramly
Tom Baldwin
Dragos Gheorghiu
Jennifer Hatcher
Brian Cairns
Terry Bradford
Michael Rothman
Ray Urbaniak
Raghubir S. Thakur
James B. Harrod
Ed Swanzey

Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


July-August 2021

(Special Calico preservation issue)

Lutz Fiedler
James B. Harrod
Abdulrahman Albalawi

Jan Willem van der Drift
Richard Michael Gramly
Anthony Peratt
Tom Baldwin

Ray Urbaniak
Chris Hardaker (posthumously)
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


September-October 2021
(12th Anniversary Issue)

Abdulrahman Albalawi

Jennifer Hatcher
Richard Michael Gramly
Joseph D. Smith
Michael Winkler
Kevin Callaghan
Tom Baldwin

Ray Urbaniak
Chris Hardaker (posthumously)
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


November-December 2021

Patricio Bustamante
Juan Crocco
Richard Michael Gramly
Jennifer Hatcher
Shivaya Coyote Varlet Castle
Sue Reynolds
Michael Rothman
Tom Baldwin
Ray Urbaniak
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


January-February 2022

Hassan Yamani
Patricio Bustamante
Juan Crocco
Richard Michael Gramly
Richard Dullum
Abdulrahman Albalawi
Mohamad Naserifard
Yasmine Bahaji
Jennifer Hatcher
Mark Willis
Dragos Gheorghiu
Ray Urbaniak
Tom Baldwin
Virginia Steen-McIntyre

John Feliks


March-April 2022

Patricio Bustamante
Juan Crocco
Richard Michael Gramly
Richard Dullum
Abdulrahman Albalawi
Hassan Yamani
Ray Urbaniak
Tom Baldwin
Virginia Steen-McIntyre

John Feliks


May-June 2022

Joseph Keith Anders
Patricio Bustamante

Juan Crocco
Richard Michael Gramly
Richard Dullum
Michael Cremo
Abdulrahman Albalawi
Ray Urbaniak
Tom Baldwin
Virginia Steen-McIntyre

John Feliks


July-August 2022

John Pint
Lutz Fiedler
Herbert Preisl
Hartmut Thieme
Joseph Keith Anders
Richard Dullum
Juan Crocco
Patricio Bustamante
Abdulrahman Albalawi
Ray Urbaniak
Tom Baldwin
Virginia Steen-McIntyre

John Feliks


September-October 2022
(13th Anniversary Issue)

Joseph Keith Anders
Glenister James
Thomas Walli-Knofler
Werner Kräutler
Herbert Kirnbauer
Sachin K. Tiwary
Ray Urbaniak
Tom Baldwin
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
(reprint link)

John Feliks


November-December 2022

Richard Michael Gramly
Joseph Keith Anders
Thomas Walli-Knofler
Werner Kräutler
Herbert Kirnbauer
Josef Höfer
Ray Urbaniak
Richard Dullum
Tom Baldwin
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
(references to Virginia)

John Feliks


January-February 2023

Elke Rogersdotter
Joseph Keith Anders
Juan Crocco Ábalos
Patricio Bustamante Díaz
Thomas Walli-Knofler

Werner Kräutler
Herbert Kirnbauer
Josef Höfer
Richard Michael Gramly
Kevin Callaghan
Ray Urbaniak
Richard Dullum
Tom Baldwin
Virginia Steen-McIntyre

John Feliks


March-April 2023

Anthony Peratt
Fay Yao
Elke Rogersdotter

Thomas Walli-Knofler
Werner Kräutler
Herbert Kirnbauer
Josef Höfer
Ray Urbaniak
Richard Dullum
Tom Baldwin
Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks


May-June 2023

Richard Dullum
Julie Ryder
Bill Ryder
Christopher Borton
Linda Welsh
Michael Collins
Elke Rogersdotter
Anthony Peratt
Fay Yao

Thomas Walli-Knofler
Jennifer Hatcher
Ray Urbaniak
John Feliks


July-August 2023

Julie Ryder
Elke Rogersdotter
Richard Dullum
Jennifer White
Anthony Peratt
Fay Yao

Andrew Barker
Ray Urbaniak
Tom Baldwin
John Feliks


September-October  2023
(14th Anniversary Issue)

Sean Harasymchuk
Michael Collins
Richard Michael Gramly
Julie Ryder
Elke Rogersdotter
Christopher Borton
Tevor Stoltenberg
Anthony Peratt
Fay Yao

Richard Dullum
Ray Urbaniak
Tom Baldwin
John Feliks


November-December  2023

Michael Collins
Jennifer Hatcher
Bill Woodland
Elke Rogersdotter
Christopher Borton
Anthony Peratt
Fay Yao

Richard Dullum
Ray Urbaniak
Tom Baldwin
John Feliks


January-February 2024

Anthony Peratt
Fay Yao
Sean Harasymchuk
Elke Rogersdotter
Michael Collins
Thomas Walli-Knofler
Bill Woodland

Christopher Borton
Michael Gramly

Tom Baldwin
Richard Dullum
Ray Urbaniak
John Feliks


March-April 2024

Thomas Walli-Knofler
Hubert Ilsinger
Christopher Borton
Michael Collins
Anthony Peratt
Fay Yao
Elke Rogersdotter
Herbert Kirnbauer
Richard Michael Gramly

Tom Baldwin
Richard Dullum
Ray Urbaniak
Virginia Steen-McIntyre (reprint list)
John Feliks


May-June 2024

Richard Michael Gramly
Thomas Walli-Knofler
Josef Höfer
Belinda Reinhardt
Anthony Peratt
Fay Yao
Marinus A. van der Sluijs
Michael Collins
Ray Urbaniak
Richard Dullum

John Feliks


July-August 2024

Jan Willem van der Drift
Thomas Walli-Knofler

Belinda Reinhardt
Anthony Peratt
Fay Yao
Tom Baldwin
Richard Dullum

John Feliks

- Gallery -

The Pleistocene Coalition is a group of researchers challenging the tenets of mainstream scientific agendas which are promoted despite empirical evidence to the contrary.

The vision of the Pleistocene Coalition is  international in scope.
If you have published work which is in line with tenets of the Pleistocene Coalition or would simply like to join us in our challenge please contact the webmaster, John Feliks (right-click)

- Prepare for a journey into a world you never knew existed -

© The Pleistocene Coalition 2009

This page last updated August 31, 2024